via Oscar Vazquez
A Coffee house ticket created by a student in guitar club.
Here at Colonia High school, after-school clubs are popular and provide students with lessons to carry through life. Guitar Club is unrecognized because of the fallacy that you must know how to play guitar to join.
Guitar Club is run by two musically inclined teachers, Mr. Perrino and Mr. Muldoon. The club meets every Wednesday and Friday from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome. Upon arrival, everyone gathers to hear a few announcements. Perrino asks if anyone is totally new to the club. Then the students break off into groups and for the rest of the time, practice their music. If someone is new and does not play guitar often, they can take the option to receive lessons from players with more experience. Nothing in guitar club is mandatory. Meaning, if one chooses not to perform, play, or sing that is entirely okay as long as they contribute their creativity to the club. This is an aspect that makes guitar club unique, as most clubs require mandatory meetings and jobs.
Although, just because it is not mandatory to be in the spotlight, does not mean this club is free for all. They take their work seriously, in order to provide the school with what the events that they want to see take place.
Guitar Club formulates and participates in one of the schools major fundraising events. Coffeehouse. Coffeehouse is an event that takes place in the school cafeteria. During the time that it runs, the students in guitar club perform mostly acoustic covers of songs. As well as some instrumentals with no voice at all. A table is set up with snack items and water, and of course coffee. The money the club raises at coffee house is put toward a scholarship in Caroline’s name. At first, the money guitar club would collect would go to Caroline’s family for her treatment. Unfortunately, she passed away, leaving guitar club to find another way to honor her (Caroline Szewczyk ). Coffee house happens twice during the year, once in the winter and once in the spring.
The preparation for coffee house runs all year long and starts as soon as it can. This is because each student has the opportunity to continuously improve on anything they feel they may not have perfected. Which is a great way to make people feel comfortable with performing and build their confidence so that they do not become anxious.
“The best part about guitar club is hanging out with friends and playing music. Especially playing shows, and organizing both events for such a good cause, ” said Oscar Vazquez, a senior at Colonia High School that participates in guitar club.
In addition to playing guitar, the club also works on giving people who like to sing an opportunity to share their talents. The main purpose of this club is to love music and learn exactly what makes guitars so special. As well as music, some art also comes to play. Before the tickets for coffee house go on sale, a student can create a picture design that will be on every copy of a ticket. The environment at this club is supportive and very encouraging. After spending a few evenings with the group, and hearing the students show their passions, it all began to make sense. It is even viewer friendly, meaning if you just want to sit alongside and experience the atmosphere you can.
Unlike other clubs, guitar club shapes students in all aspects. Whether it be to showcase their talent, help those in need, show support, or simply create smiles, you can view it all in guitar club.