First shift seniors bag groceries at Shoprite in Woodbridge on September 21st.
The senior Class of 2015 gathered together at ShopRite in Woodbridge on Sunday, September 21st to bag groceries as part of their fundraising activities.
The seniors put on their graduation caps and each manned a register. Each person placed his/her tips jar at the end of the register and started bagging. Shifts lasted for three hours, starting at 9:30 am. Mrs. Rosemary Meade and Mrs. Michelina Hernandez, two of the four senior class advisors, ran the fundraiser.
This second senior fundraiser for the Class of 2015 was beneficial because it raised $1,700 in two rounds of bagging. Hopefully the Class of 2015 can attain, or perhaps even surpass, the success of the previous senior class, which raised $2,500 through bagging.
Ms. Hernandez, senior class adviser, concluded that Sunday’s bagging bodes well for future fundraising events and she hopes to see continued volunteering to bring down the price of prom bids. “Everything we do goes directly to reduce the cost of Prom,” she stated. This is Ms. Hernandez’s first year as a senior class adviser. She is one of four, along with Mrs. Meade, Ms. Anita D’Souza, and Ms. Crystal Joyce. Ms. Hernandez attests to enjoying her role as a senior class adviser, and being that this is her first year, she hopes to continue doing it throughout the years to come.
Ms. Hernandez confirmed, “The senior luncheon is free when you do two senior fundraisers.” The other fundraising opportunities this year include Boscov’s coupons, Prom Fashion show, Senior Faculty basketball game, and more bagging to follow next month.
When asked how fundraising benefits students as people, Ms. Hernandez said, “It shows students how to work to make something better for themselves.” Ms. Hernandez claims that teamwork is the best way to reach a goal. By working together to benefit each other, the students learn valuable life lessons and morals to carry into their adult lives.
Bridget Trela, grade 12, who has bagged for Colonia High School before, said, “I think bagging is very effective because it raises a lot of money, and helps a lot of people.” Trela has resorted to the ShopRite bagging fundraiser to raise money for the bowling team and for the elementary school in Edison that suffered a devastating fire. Both fundraisers were successful in her eyes, and she would definitely participate in one again.
The seniors seem to have started on a good note this year, and hopefully this is a sign of a great year of fundraising to come. With the motivation and determination they seem to have now, the senior Class of 2015 should have no problem raising the money it needs to reduce their prom bids. The Declaration wishes the best of luck to the Class of 2015!