The student news site of Colonia High School

How does this affect the farmers?

December 15, 2020

All the farmers in India are referred to as Kisaans (kiss-ons). Kisaan means a farmer in Punjabi, a language spoken in India. Most farmers don’t own hundreds of acres of land. They may have one or two acres that they make their entire living off of. When they sell their products they have something called the MSP or the Minimum Support Protection. This ensures that kisaans get price protection on what they sell and it also protects them from exploitation. The mandi guaranteed MSP. Since the mandi is gone, the farmers are worried that the MSP will go too. Even though the mandi taxed heavily, it still made MSP a certain. The MSP allowed farmers to get paid enough. When the MSP gets taken away, farmers will have to go into contract with companies to make a good amount of money.

These companies choose how much money they want for whatever product they want. For example, if the kisaans wanted to sell a bag of corn for 295.04 rupees which is equivalent to $4 they could. But, if the kisaans sign a contract with companies those companies pick and choose what they want to sell and how much they want to sell it for. So the farmers would not be getting paid enough for how much labor they do in a day. This is an issue because the farmers would have to work twice as hard to make around the same amount of money. This would make kisaans lose their land and their income.  

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