Samantha Czapik is presently a senior at Colonia High School. Currently, this is her second year writing for The Declaration, among editing and reporting information to the public. Czapik plans to attend Tusculum College located in Greeneville, TN in the fall and seeks a major in early childhood special education. With a particular interest in English and Math, Czapik specializes in logical reasoning when it comes to problem solving. Having an adventurous personality, you can find Czapik hiking the mountains of Watchung Reservation or running the trails at a local park. A majority of Czapik’s time is spent beside her golden stallion, a two year old Vizsla/Labrador Retriever/Pitbull mixed rescue. As an avid foodie, you can expect to see her at all the hit new restaurants in town indulging her sweet tooth! This fashionista can be found racking up the best deals on all of the hottest trends of the season! You will rarely ever find Czapik at a movie theater, as she lacks the patience to sit through long and in depth films. On the contrary, she enjoys spending time on Netflix or watching the latest comedies and reality television. Aside from spending time with her beautiful friends and family, Czapik seeks pleasure in reporting all of the latest news and stories to her adoring fans.