As the world grows in its beauty endlessly to house a melting pot of varying cultures, Mother Nature can only do so much to continue to thrive in this magnificent planets’ resources.
While the Earth provides its occupants with the land and resources a society needs to flourish, the people of the world do not seem to appreciate all that they have. Failing to realize the beauty surrounding them, many take advantage of all that the Earth has to offer.
The Earth is currently being polluted with tremendous amounts of litter, a number that is growing exponentially as the days pass.
In littering, nature is polluted with rubbish and garbage, taking away from its magnificent beauty. Not only does litter decrease the beauty of the planet, but it puts wildlife in danger. According the PlanetArk, a campaign to reduce plastic bag litter, “Plastic in an animal’s gut can prevent food digestion and can lead to a very slow and painful death.”
While throwing your garbage onto the ground may seem like an easy way out, your trash leads back into the water and into the mouths of varying species of wildlife. Once exposed to the environment, litter can be consumed by animals, damaging their internal organs. Similarly, animals may get trapped in litter, cutting and sometimes even suffocating the animal.
Litterbugs are harming the ecosystem that took so long to perfect, and it is crucial that a stance be taken. Their laziness and cruelty is unacceptable and must be stopped. No animal, plant, or wildlife deserves to suffer at the cost of one man’s behavior.
With an issue such as littering growing in prominence, it is a shame that such a simple issue continues to grow. To help the environment and the world around us, the answer is far from complex. Simply throw your garbage away in designated receptacles instead of on the ground. Recycle plastics and cardboard as well as place remaining items in the trash. Every little bit helps make a difference so it is important to realize how important it is to preserve the world around us.
Everyone can agree that laziness has set into many individuals on the planet. But, even with that being said, is it worth it to damage the ecosystem by littering instead of walking to the nearest garbage can? Wildlife does not deserve to suffer through slow and painful deaths at the cost of your laziness.