Theodore Coursen (also known as Ted) is currently a twelfth grade student at Colonia High School. Coursen has enjoyed writing most of his life. He enjoys writing articles about world news, politics, and controversial issues. He also enjoys writing poetry, essays, and most of all editorials and opinion columns. In his free time, Coursen enjoys reading news articles, listening to music and writing on his own. Despite his interest in writing, he also enjoys math and will be attending Pace University next fall where he will be living at their New York City campus to study Accounting. He will be doing a five year program to become CPA certified, and he plans on pursuing a successful career and living in New York City in the future. He wrote for the Declaration last year and had one of his articles published in the Colonia Corner. His goal for this school year is to improve his writing, and get more of his articles published.
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