Women’s jean shorts have always been a staple of women’s style. You can find jean shorts, or jorts for short, in almost any woman’s closet. Female celebrities are seen wearing jorts in a wide variety of colors. However, as of late, men’s jorts have slowly making a comeback.
Men’s jorts were a huge fad starting in the 1980’s. You could see men back then wearing the shortest possible shorts made of denim. The shorts were so short to the point that they looked like boxer shorts. Moving on to the 90s, men’s jorts came back in a much longer, bigger, and baggier form. Celebrities could be found wearing these baggy jorts on TV shows and other events. Now, you can find men’s jorts in popular clothing stores, such as H&M, Urban Outfitters, and Pacsun. The modern day jorts are much more fitted and are at knee length in comparison to the jorts of the 80s and 90s.
The modern day jorts can be seen quite often. Celebrities, such as Pharrell, are pioneers of the modern day jorts. You can also see people wearing the modern jorts in the hallways of our very own Colonia High School.
Personally, I think the modern day jorts look much more appealing than those of the 80s or 90s. I wear jorts sometimes and I don’t think they look bad at all. Of course, as with every new trend, there will be people who think that jorts look unappealing. I can understand that perspective when it comes to the 80s or 90s styles, but I think that the modern day jorts at least deserve a chance. I think it’s safe to say that they are coming back in a new style and they are coming in fast!