We all know when we open a bag of chips, we expect to get more chips than the amount of air, but in reality, does that actually happen? Bags of chips should just be called “bags of air” considering the chip companies barely put the actual product in the bag. People are literally paying for air, considering you only get a few chips in a small, snack bag. In regular bags of chips (family sizes), companies like to fill the bags up halfway and fill the rest with air.
In my opinion, this is ridiculous. Why does it cost anywhere from $1-$2 for a bag of chips from a public vending machine? This is pricing considering there are barely any product and more air. It makes me really angry opening up a bag of chips and seeing that there is barely any in it.

Opening the bag and finding four chips
If chip companies are going to do this, they should at least lower the prices instead of raising them. Why higher the price when you’re getting less? Or, another alternative, is to not do this in general. These companies should fill the bag with the product instead of air.
From a school vending machine, I bought Doritos for one dollar and when I opened the bag, I got exactly four whole chips. I couldn’t believe that the company would actually have the nerve to put four chips in a bag. Basically, I paid 25 cents for each chip I got.
From another person’s viewpoint, such as a health enthusiast or a gym teacher, you would maybe expect an opposing view on this situation. Asking gym teacher, Mr. Christopher Monticollo, his stance on this outrageous topic, he agrees and says he is also disappointed about there being more air than chips in a bag. During his interview, he also said, “we’ve been cheated. My tip is to look on the bottom of the package before buying it and to see the weight to know how much you’re getting.”
I think everyone can agree that opening a bag of chips and having more air than the actual product is very disappointing. People are practically paying for air instead of the product.