“I know that I can deal when things are bad. I can come back when things are at their worst. I’m not afraid of losing all my money or losing my career because I know I’m capable of living in my car and rising up. Once you’ve conquered the worst things that could happen, there is no need to fear the unknown. The fight is yours to win.”`
My Fight/Your Fight is an inspiring book written by Ronda Rousey and Maria Burns-Ortiz published on May 12th, 2015. In this moving autobiography, we learn about Rousey’s great fight to become a champion and all the hardships she’s overcome. The UFC Bantamweight champion of the world tells her story through emotional events and tough times.
Right from the time she was born, Rousey’s life had been a fight. The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, cutting off circulation to the rest of her body. She said from that moment on she has never stopped fighting. Throughout her entire life she had to stand up for what she believed in. Rousey had to put up a tough fight to achieve what everyone said she couldn’t. Many people along the way belittled her, telling her she would never make it, but Rousey made a goal to prove them wrong.
Throughout Rousey’s story, we see she did not just pop out from no where. Many believed that she was just some untrained fighter who demanded a fight because of her ‘looks’. Yet when reading My Fight/Your Fight, readers can see that Rousey trained her whole life to be given an opportunity to fight in the UFC.
Ronda Rousey redefined the sport of fighting in the UFC. As we follow her journey, we learn all about the young fighter. Rousey explains in her book that before she went to the UFC she was an Olympian. She is trained in judo which she took after her mother. Her mother was also a gold medalist in judo in the Olympics. You know what they say, like mother like daughter.
Overall, I found this book to be inspiring and motivational. This is a good book whether you’re going through a hard time or just looking for a good read. I would recommend this to people of all ages. Both adults and kids could find some kind of motivation throughout this book. Another great message in this book is that tough times will get better, and to never judge a book by it’s cover.
Ronda Rousey has been through numerous heartaches in her life. From losing her dad to failing time and time again. She explains that stopping will do no good. You have to keep pushing. Once you stop it’s hard to start again. Tough times will get better, and dark days will get brighter. Rousey has been through a lot in life. People have judged her before knowing her story. Rousey spreads the word that you never know what someone is going through. Judging someone in a negative way will do nothing but spread negativity in a world that is aching for positivity.
Overall, My Fight/Your Fight is a book filled with inspiration to be the best version of yourself, and to only think of positive outcomes. I would give this book a 9 out of 10 and highly suggest it.
“The way I like to fight is I like to paint myself into a corner and so the only way is for me to win”