2016 was a year of crossing the known boundaries in the scientific world. In 2016 alone, NASA accomplished many tasks that seemed impossible.
In 2016, NASA discovered a lot about nothing. I’m talking, of course, about black holes. In 2016, NASA learned more about black holes than previously thought possible. Black holes are places in space where gravity pulls so tightly that not even light can escape from it. And with these discoveries, NASA has gathered a lot of data about black holes. These discoveries include that black holes can make material around it wobble, and just how black holes interact with their environments. NASA managed to snap a picture of a star, shredded to pieces, next to a black hole.
Mentioning black holes, NASA has also found a colossal black hole in a massive galaxy named NGC 1600. This black hole weighs approximately the average of 17 million suns. This was an astounding discovery for NASA.
NASA’s spacecraft, Juno, entered Juniper’s orbit. After an almost five-year long journey, the spacecraft successfully entered the orbit of the gas giant. On top of finally exploring Jupiter, NASA also acquired photographs of the dwarf-planet, Pluto. Through both of these endeavors, NASA has proven their scientific mastery. Not only that, but they acquired much information about the two planets that would’ve been left in the dark prior.
On a different note, NASA has also created the most powerful rocket in the world. That’s right, this rocket completely outshines and overpowers the last ‘most powerful rocket in the world’. The Saturn V, the prior most powerful rocket, had a ‘a flawed, apples-to-oranges comparison’, according to a Kimberly Robinson, manager of strategic communications for SLS. SLS being the new and more powerful rocket. The SLS is capable of carrying 143 tons, and will take a trip to Mars. The SLS is also capable of changing forms while flying. Altogether, the SLS is an amazing and powerful rocket.
Finally, and most impressively, NASA has created an International Space Station. Orbiting around Earth, the International Space Station is a home for astronauts. With five bedrooms, it’s literally just a small house in space. If that doesn’t sound awesome, then I don’t know what does.
Altogether, this year was huge. In terms of scientific advancements, NASA came through in 2016. They advanced and changed the way some aspects of astronomy are viewed. In general, in 2016 NASA took many steps for man, and a colossal leap for mankind.