Christmas shopping has started earlier and earlier over the past decade. Even Christmas items just five years ago did not take up shelf space until early November. It is not just purchasing gifts early, but setting up these blow ups and lights in the months of July and August.
I understand completely that people want to be more efficient with their time, and finish things early. The exception to that statement comes when I see Christmas trees and lights in the months before Halloween. Retailers are doing everything backwards, and not focusing on the holiday that is happening at that exact time. How is it that in September or October there are more Christmas trees than Halloween decorations? The worst part about this is that it leads to more people beginning to put them up even before November. This is where it starts to get ridiculous in my eyes. No one should have Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving, and especially not before Halloween.
Evidence of early selling is in a ton of huge retail stores. Stores like Hobby Lobby, Target, and Walmart all started making shelf space for Christmas items before Halloween. More than 40% of consumers in a survey said they begin Christmas shopping before November. The holiday creep, which is that shopping every year gets earlier and earlier, has been growing in stores. This has been the truth in the market for the past decade and does not seem to stop soon.
Although I find it ridiculous to shop this early, I do see the benefits. Especially for people, specifically store owners or CEOs. With just under half of the market admitting to shopping before Halloween, why not take advantage and be the first store to offer decorations. This would capture that 40% and be very profitable to the business. For the consumer on the other hand, the benefits are that you do not have to worry about waiting. Decorations could be up and set up before Christmas never to be touched again. The Christmas industry in America is a 600 billion dollar industry, and it makes sense why businesses would like some of these profits early.
In conclusion, although I see the benefits of putting out Christmas decorations early, I still find it completely ridiculous. It is almost a sign of disrespect to the other holidays. The fact that retail stores have trees and lights out in August confuses me, and almost angers me. There is nothing wrong with getting things done early, but there is a problem with having decorations up before Halloween. I ask people doing this to please think about it and consider waiting.