Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) was an American writer, artist, and philosopher. Hubbard was also very involved with politics, having titled himself an “anarchist” and “socialist.” He believed in social, economic, domestic, political, mental, and spiritual freedom. He was very critical of war, especially war that effects the entire globe- he was strongly against World War I. Hubbard is well-known for his founding of Roycroft, an Arts and Crafts community in New York. As Hubbard’s life continued, he slowly gave up on socialism, having realized the lack of progress the socialist party was making. However, he noted that he started looking at socialism more critically to be more socialist. Hubbard published many anti-war works, and was frequently criticized from both pro-war and anti-war parties. Hubbard died on a ship headed to Ireland, his body was never recovered or identified.
Quote of the Day
February 23, 2018
Photo Credit: Photo by Rebecca Melton
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