Today in 1973, the United Sates removes its final troops from Vietnam ending over 12 years of involvement. With the rise of communism in the world, the United Sates had a plan to keep communism contained and prevent its spread throughout the world. In 1961 President JFK sent the first batch of U.S. troops to directly support South Vietnam against the Communists North. After years of fighting, President Lyndon B. Johnson was forced to make a choice, send more troops or pull out. Johnson choose to send more troops and the fighting went on. By 1968 the North Vietnamese proved relentless and would not be defeated as proven by the Tet Offensive in which the U.S suffered several losses. A year later in 1969 with new President Richard Nixon and more active War Protests the decision to bring troops home was finally made. By 1973, the U.S. would sign a peace agreement with the North and South officially ending their involvement.
U.S. withdraws from Vietnam
March 29, 2018
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