The Last Song is a romance novel by Nicholas Sparks. This novel is about a girl name Ronnie Miller who unexpectedly falls in love with a young southern boy over the summer.
Sparks is a well known American romance novelist. Some of his best works include: The Notebook, The Last Song, and Safe Haven. Sparks was awarded with New York Times number one bestseller for 12 of his novels.
The Last Song is a personal favorite of mine. This novel is more than a love story between two people. This novel is also about discovering the true meaning of family.
Miller and her little brother Jonah goes to North Carolina to spend time with their father over the summer. Miller’s father left her and her brother when they were little and haven’t seen each other in years.
Miller very unhappy about spending time with her father goes to the beach. At the beach a handsome beach volleyball player, Will Blakelee, bumped into her while she was walking. Blakelee showed interest in Miller, but Miller had no interest in Blakelee at first.
When Miller comes across of a nest of endangered loggerhead turtle eggs down by the ocean she tries her best to protect the eggs. Miller stayed up on many nights on the beach trying to protect the turtle eggs. At the end of the summer, Miller views on life changed and she evolved throughout the novel.
In my opinion, The Last Song is a very cheesy romantic novel. This novel is your typical romance novel. I recommend this novel for people who enjoy a good cheesy romantic novel. This novel audience is aimed more for teenagers. I would recommend this novel for 13 years and older.
My favorite part of this novel is when Miller spends weeks trying to protect the turtle eggs from other creatures. I am a big animal person, so I loved how Miller cared so much on protecting the turtle eggs. I found that part in the novel very sweet.
Also I liked how Miller doesn’t develop feelings for her love interest right away. It took Miller a while to give Blakelee a chance. I found that scenario more realistic rather than falling in love in first sight. Even though I know it’s not a true story, I liked how it was at least a little realistic compared to other romance novels.
In my opinion, I wished the narrator of the novel was Miller. I wished I knew Miller exact thoughts and feeling instead of guessing her feelings. However, I still like Sparks writing style. Sparks was very description throughout the novel which I enjoyed.
This novel is based on the movie The Last Song starring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Furthermore, this movie won three Teen Choice Awards.