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About the Contributors
Kailey Romero, Club reporter
Kailey Romero is a 16 year old junior here at Colonia High School. She loves to challenge herself and is constantly thinking about how something began. Besides participating in school activities Kailey loves to read books of nearly every genre because she believes that being open to more than one subject does not set boundaries on what you can learn. Kailey was in Journalism last year and loved the class, but due to schedule complications she couldn't be apart of the class this year, so she decided that being apart of the newspaper club was the next best thing. She has not made her mind up about where or what she plans to do in the future but whatever it is her main goal is to happy and pleased with the life she lives.
Brianna Kelly, Spring Reporter and Editor
Brianna Kelly is a 18-year-old junior at Colonia High School and has lived in Colonia her entire life along with her family. She has written for The Declaration for four years and has taken both Journalism classes offered at CHS. Kelly is currently a member of Heroes and Cool Kids as well as Newspaper Club. She is also a member of both the Quill and Scroll Honor Society and the French Honor Society and has played volleyball for CHS since she was a freshman. In her spare time, Kelly enjoys running and can usually be found playing volleyball, reading, or watching movies. She also enjoys shopping, listening to music, and hanging out with friends and family. She also enjoys volunteering and her favorite subjects in school are English and Science. Her favorite foods consist of almonds, cheeseburgers, strawberries, and M&M's. After graduating high school, Kelly plans on attending college for environmental science, but is unsure where she wishes to go. She enjoys writing for The Declaration and is looking forward to another exciting year as a reporter and editor for the paper.