During February of 2021, Governor Phil Murphy said it’s safe for an athlete to have 2 parents/ guardians watch indoor games. With this decision the question is: What kind of Covid-19 protocols are put in place for sports to help stop the spread of COVID-19?
What are the protocols for sports?
The protocols are just like the ones we know. All athletes must remain 6 feet and properly social distance. Everyone must wear a mask at all times but there is an expectation for the masks. In the New Jersey Department of Health it states, “Face masks should not be worn when engaged in activities that may cause the cloth face covering to become wet, like when swimming, or when doing so may endanger the individual’s health.” It also tells us that when the masks aren’t worn athletes should be six feet apart.
The NJ department of Health also tells us that each sport should have a progress preparation plan. This means having signs and markings that assist people with social distancing. This plan should also have a sanitation area where people can sanitize. Also all equipment that has been shared and used should be sanitized at the end of practices and games.
Are the protocols being used?
Girls’ volleyball coach, Coach Hennessy said, “We have to take the temperatures of all the athletes before they start practice. Masks are required by our team to play.” He also says that only 5 girls can enter the locker room at one time. Not the whole team. Lacey Waldron a Volleyball player says, “We can’t carpool but we are allowed to drive ourselves to games now. If we don’t feel comfortable taking the bus to games.” Coach Hennessy says that they disinfect all the equipment at the end of practice. Lacey Waldron says the team is smaller this year. And Coach Hennessy said, “ I think we would have had more girls tryout if it wasn’t for COVID, but our numbers were still high.” There is also no sharing of water so athletes have to bring their own water.
All the COVID-19 protocols that are put in place by the New Jersey Department of Health are being followed. As you can see Coach Hennessy stated some of the things him and the his team do before and after practices. As of right now no one from Colonia High School has gotten COVID-19 for being involved in a sport. So, that means the COVID-19 protocols and procedures that are put in place are being used correctly. Also, everyone is socially distancing and sanitizing whatever they share and use. In conclusion, Colonia High School is following all the protocols that are put in place to remain safe.