From landlines to texting, society has discovered quicker and more efficient ways to communicate. GIFs or emojis have recently been an easy way to express opinion or emotion by simply inputting an image. Before typing that angry break-up paragraph consider “Can a GIF work better than words?”
What are GIFS?
A GIF or graphical interchange format is an image formatting invention by Steven Wilhite. These GIFs are series of images or soundless videos that play on a loop continuously. In its prime, people would debate the pronunciation of the word GIF. Many say it is pronounced ‘JIF’ not ‘GIF.’ Despite this argument, these funny videos lighten the mood of texts and make them more enjoyable.
“Nearly two-thirds of millennials said GIFs did the job better than words, compared to about 40% of those in their golden years.”
GIPHY Studios
Giphy Studios continue to help redefine humans’ visual communication and cultural language by developing content that thrives beyond its initial purpose.
Junior at Colonia High School, Dylan DaCunha stated, “I feel words are better than GIFs because they don’t always express what I want to say and the only time I use GIFs are in lighthearted situations or when I know the other person is going to receive it well.”
By expanding brand relevancy they can share moments by intersecting art, humor, and communication. All of which, produce happiness and giggles in hopes of reaching a larger audience. Giphy Studios has a network of over 700 GIF artists that continuously produce new “jokes” for the public. They also partner with TV networks, film companies, music labels, celebrities, influencers, and brands.
Clout from a GIF
Many celebrities have used their embarrassing moments for profit by creating GIFs. For example, Kim Kardashian was shot mid ugly cry on her show Keeping up with Kardashians. She is one of the many people who have done his in order to cover up and mask the criticism from a documented situation. Kim now sells stickers, phone cases, and other merchandise with her crying printed on them.
Student thoughts on GIFs
Being a teenager is difficult and it can be hard to find ways to successfully express emotions. Today, we communicate through text messages more frequently than most. Although GIFs are looked at through a positive light, many students don’t feel they properly represent their message.
Senior at Colonia High School, Katherine Albuquerque stated, “GIFs are good for short responses, however, I don’t think they are better than words because they don’t say as much. I would mostly use them in a more comedic way or to end something off in a friendly note.”
As supported by students, GIFs are for “lighthearted” situations and conversations. Although, maybe responding with a GIF in a heated conversation may brighten the message? The ultimate purpose of a GIF is to help make messaging more fun and promote positive discussions, therefore, next time you send a text message take a second to think, “Can a GIF work better than words?”