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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Value of T-ball: building skills, bonds, fun

Photo Credit: Harvard Health
The ups and downs of T-ball.

T-ball is often a child’s first introduction to organized sports and plays an important role in their development both on and off the field. From learning the basics of hitting and fielding to teaching social skills, T-ball offers lots of benefits for young kids. Let’s explore why T-ball is more than just a game and hear from two former players, Hudson Platt and Dylan Chiera, about their experiences.

Skill Development:

T-ball allows young children to develop fundamental skills that will serve them well in any sport. From learning how to grip a bat to making contact with the ball, T-ball teaches coordination, hand-eye skills, and basic athletic movements. These skills help build future athleticism and help children build confidence in their abilities.

Interview with Hudson Platt:

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Hudson Platt, a former T-ball player, shared his thoughts on the importance of the sport. “T-ball taught me so much about teamwork and commitment. I miss playing T-ball but also enjoy the competition that comes with high school baseball.”

Teamwork and Commitment:

One of the most valuable lessons children learn from playing T-ball is the importance of teamwork and commitment. In T-ball, players must work together to achieve goals, whether fielding a ground ball or cheering on their teammates from the dugout. By learning to communicate, cooperate, and support one another, children learn social skills that will benefit them both on and off the field.

Interview with Dylan Chiera:

Dylan Chiera, another former T-ball player, pointed out the importance of teamwork. “Playing T-ball/little league at a young age taught me how to work with my teammates to achieve our goals. Whether we win or lose, we always have each other’s backs, and that’s what made it so special.”

Physical Activity and Health:

In today’s age, getting kids off the couch and onto the field is more important than ever. T-ball gives children a fun and engaging way to stay active and healthy. Running, throwing, and catching are all important parts of the game, helping children develop strength and agility. T-ball sets the tone for a lifetime of health and wellness by promoting physical activity from a young age.

Friendship and Socialization:

One of the most important benefits of T-ball is the chance for children to make new friends and form friendships. Through experiences on the field, children develop friendships that carry out of just the game. Whether showing support after a great play or sharing snacks after the game, T-ball creates opportunities for children to connect with their teammates in a good environment.


In conclusion, T-ball offers lots of benefits for young children, from athletic development to learning how to make friends and physical activity. Through teamwork, commitment, and friendship, children learn lessons that will serve them well. So whether they’re hitting home runs or cheering from the sidelines, T-ball provides a setting for a lifetime of healthy habits and happy memories.

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About the Contributor
Shane Litterer
Shane Litterer, reporter
   Shane Litterer is a 14 year old freshman at Colonia High School. Litterer has lived in Colonia all his life,  having attended Claremont Elementary School and Colonia Middle School. He is proud to serve as this year’s freshman class president. Litterer enjoys sports like baseball and football. When he is older he wants to have a job that is sports related. In school,  Litterer’s favorite subjects are English and Science.  He enjoys writing and chose the journalism class to have the freedom to write what interests him and his fellow classmates.  He is excited to be a member of The Declaration and looks forward to being a part of the class. 

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