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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

June 7th, 1978- Washington Bullets win the NBA Finals

Photo Credit: Flickr

The Washington Bullets(now known as the Wizards), won the series in 7 games over the Seattle Supersonics(Now known as the Oklahoma City Thunder). Hall of Famer Wes Unseld won MVP of the series.

The Sonics had started the year off 5-17 before firing their coach, Bob Hopkins. Bringing in Lenny Wilkins, who led them to rally and finish 47-35 on the year. They took this momentum into the playoffs and represented the Western Conference in the finals.

The Bullets entered the postseason as the only team that had made the playoffs 10 years in a row and had the experience advantage. They cruised past the Hawks in the first round and then went on to beat the 76ers and Spurs in 6 games each.

After 5 tight games against the SuperSonics, the Bullets turned the momentum in their direction with a 35 point win in game 6. This momentum carried into game 7 and resulted in the Bullets winning the game and the series.

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About the Contributor
Dylan Miller
Dylan Miller, Editor
Dylan Miller is currently a Junior at Colonia High School,he enjoys participating in sports,earning varsity letters in Cross Country,Winter Track and Spring Track. In addition to participating in sports, Dylan also follows the NFL,NBA and MLB. Scouting is a large part of Dylan’s extracurricular activities,while on his path to Eagle,he will learn more about leadership and communication. When he’s not busy in school or running,he enjoys watching TV shows like Ted Lasso,he also likes listening to sports analysts Colin Cowherd,Jim Rome or Dan Patrick. He aspires to get in the sports field 

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