The movie “Elf” is a children-friendly movie released on November 3, 2003. This is a worldwide favorite holiday movie featuring Will Ferrell also known as Buddy (one of Santa’s elves
Who directed this film?
This film was directed by Jon Favreau and written by David Berenbaum. Some of the actors include: Will Ferrel acting as Buddy the Elf, James Caan as Walter Hobbs, Edward Asner featuring Santa and Zooey Deschanel featuring Jovie. For more information about the cast and crew click here.
Awards and nominations/other information
The “Elf” movie won 2 times and has a total of 8 nominations. Visit this website for more. The cost of making the “Elf” movie was $33 million. It grossed $220 million worldwide.
Buddy the Elf was transported from the North Pole as a toddler to New York City as a 30-year-old to find his real father who is on the “naughty list”. When he arrived, the Christmas spirit was low. His father had no idea who he was and wanted nothing to do with him. After DNA proves he’s the father, Walter, his father, wants to test out the relationship. Buddy travels to New York City wearing an elf costume which enhances confusion.
What was the aim of this movie?
This movie aimed to spread kindness purposely and the Christmas spirit among millions of people around the world. Buddy the Elf inspires people around him and spreads the joy of Christmas. He promotes that it is never too late to get off the naughty list.
Regarding this all-time favorite Christmas classic, the movie “Elf” gives us life lessons about Christmas and everyday life. Personally, this movie taught me to spread Christmas cheer, respect everyone around me, never give up on my dreams, and have an overall exciting life. This movie can be streamed on Hulu, Disney +, HBO Max, or Tubi.
Who is this movie targeted towards
Elf is a PG-13-rated movie that targets children between the ages of 7 and 8 and even adults. It is a kid-friendly comedy. If you are looking for a perfect Christmas classic, Elf is a handy guide to show your children. In some scenes of the movie, there could be minimal cursing and slight drinking, but it doesn’t get severe. This is a perfect moment to gather your family around Christmas time, watch this movie, and drink hot chocolate.
As a lover of Christmas movies, this is a special guide. Watching this movie with friends and family is a family tradition every holiday. I love how “Elf” still uses real-life situations. During the holiday season, I enjoy drinking hot chocolate wrapped in a cozy blanket. Being able to relive the childhood I once had, believing in Santa, and having the Christmas spirit brings back so much joy. The theme of this movie varies and it doesn’t only specify one theme. This movie covers so much. It covers comedy when it comes to Buddy the Elf being comical, friendship, and real-life situations.
A student Joseph Torres has an opinion about the movie, “I tend to enjoy the film on the aspect of Christmas ‘falala’ and I happen to take a gander at this masterpiece. I get emotional rather than enjoyment out of the film.”’ I asked him what made him emotional due to his answer and he responded, “You know the journey Buddy takes from New York City, was more of a horrible period for him. Buddy goes to find his dad and at first, his dad rejects him. Buddy is an elf which makes him special because he hasn’t been around actual humans which makes it hard for him to adjust.”
Another student at Colonia High School Beshoy Wahapa said, “I Like the movie a lot. I find it very comical and puts you in the Christmas spirit.”
Abdel Marghany said otherwise. “I think it is cringy and very outdated and the jokes are outdated. This movie is overplayed, however, I do enjoy the actor who roles as Buddy the Elf.”