“Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” was a successful sequel to the holiday classic “Home Alone” in 1992.
In the movie, the frantic family makes it to the airport in a rush. Yet gets separated due to Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) losing track of his father. This causes Kevin to hop on a flight heading to NYC where his family travels in the opposite direction to Miami, Florida. While staying at the Plaza Hotel, 10 year old Kevin learns how to battle being on his own in the Big Apple. But after learning that the wet bandits are now on the loose, he struggles to stop them from robbing a toy store, while being alone in one of the biggest cities of the world.
Others Opinions
Senior Emily Schmidt shares her opinion and thoughts on this movie. “In my opinion it is better than the first one. I like it more because it gives me more holiday vibes. I’m not really sure why I like it better than the first one but I just do. I feel like I have just seen it more and I also like that it takes place in a hotel. I also feel that the traps were better and more exciting to see.”
Mother Sandra Marulanda also shares her opinion and thoughts on the movie. “I enjoyed it because it was still entertaining and there was a good story line behind it. The traps were better in this one than the first Home Alone. I also liked that not only this one but the first as well, had happy endings. Like in the first one ended with the old man reuniting with his family. And in this one, Kevin gave the pigeon lady the other turtle dove. So, I liked that Kevin gave advice to both of them.”
My Opinion
In my opinion, I liked this sequel even better than the original that took place at the McCallister home. Overall, I felt that there was more action. The traps Kevin had set for the burglars were better and even more clever. However, I am completely amazed at the fact of how there is no sense of security whatsoever. Being that this movie was filmed in the early 90s, there was nowhere near the amount of precautions that are taken today. It would have been very different if it was made in this generation.
The Lack of Precaution
In the airport scene, there is such a lack of precautions taken. Specifically the part where they just let him on the plane. Since Kevin was rushing to the plane, he had bumped into the employee causing everything in fathers bag to go everywhere. He tells her he must get on the plane, so she lets him on without his ticket due to the rush. The woman also doesn’t really locate his family. Kevin had just seen the back of the man’s head he followed which was not his father. She tells him “Happy Holidays” and finds any seat that is open.
Due to the movie being filmed before 9/11, the security is nowhere near as high as it is now. In today’s world, they would have not let Kevin on the plane without his ticket. They would have found the ticket first, made sure it was his and was on the right flight, and made sure he had gotten with his family. As this may seem as stating the obvious, it still amazes me how different flying was back then. I could not imagine travelling with the level of security standards as they were over 30 years ago.
The Reality
Throughout this movie, there are so many traps being made for the now sticky bandits. Harry (Joe Pesci) and Marv (Daniel Stern), run into a lot of accidents along the way. Yet in reality, they would have been dead by the first trap. For example, one of the traps that was set up was Kevin throwing bricks at them. Every time they would hit Marv, yet he would get back up again. The first hit alone would have knocked him out completely and killed him. And this was only the first scene. After various traps such as falling through the floor and getting burned, I found it funny that they were still trying to catch Kevin.
Overall, this movie is one of my favorites to watch during the holidays. Despite how unrealistic it is, it’s the point of the movie and it is super funny and entertaining. So in my opinion, it is indeed better than the original.