“Our Little Secret” is an American romantic Christmas comedy movie directed by Stephen Herek and written by Hailey DeDominicis. It stars Lindsay Lohan as the main character alongside Ian Harding.
Release Day
Netflix released “Our Little Secret” on November 27, 2024. “Our Little Secret” debuted at number one on Netflix’s most-watched films list the day after its release. It also became the top-streamed title worldwide on Netflix for November 23–29, with 32.4 million views. It remained the top-streamed Netflix title globally for a second consecutive week from December 2–8. As of December 17, “Our Little Secret“ was the most-watched holiday movie released in 2024 by U.S. households that season, according to data collected by Samba TV.
What is it about?
“Our Little Secret” is about Avery (Lohan), who happily spends Christmas with her boyfriend’s family. Until she finds out that her ex, Logan (Harding), is also there because her ex is dating her boyfriend’s sister.
Avery and Logan have been close since childhood, they went from close friends to a couple. When Avery gets an opportunity to work in London, Logan tries to propose to her at her farewell party, but she breaks up with him.
Ten years later, they meet again at Christmas, each dating siblings, Cameron and Cassie Morgan. Feeling embarrassed, Avery convinces Logan to keep their past secret because of their partner’s arrogant mother, Erica. While the Morgan family gathers for their family portrait, Avery and Logan are sent to pick up a Christmas tree. Logan asks Avery, an expert in business proposals, to help with an architectural pitch. In return, he will help her win over the Morgans.
Reviews and Opinion
On the review website Rotten Tomatoes, 35% of 34 critics are positive, with 4.7/10 rating. One of the critic reviews, Robert Levin said, “It inspires no emotional investment, it has no interesting characters, offers zero chemistry between the stars and not the slightest bit of a reason to be anything but bored”. Another review stated “Under the shiny Netflix-feature-film-budget gift wrapping, you won’t find much in Our Little Secret to feel grateful for,” said Brooks Eisenbise.
There are a lot of critics of the movie, but there are some people who like the movie. “Another winning effort from Lohan and a great way to kick off the post-Thanksgiving season when the Christmas movie bonanza begins,” said Jeffrey Lyles who gives a 9/10 rating.
Alexa Beck, a Junior at Colonia High School enjoyed the movie. “This is a super fun Christmas movie and might become one of my favorites,” Beck said that she would rate this movie an 8/10. Beck says that she would watch this movie every year around Christmas time. “I love Christmas but some Christmas movies are just too much. This movie is nice because it is not just Christmas but it is funny and entertaining. I laughed a few times too.”
My Opinion
I think it’s a pretty good movie, I watched it with my 12-year-old sister and we both loved it. The movie is entertaining, dramatic, and funny. I think the plot is predictable but it’s still not bad. It is a good movie, but it’s not a special movie. I would rate this a 7/10.
The movie is worth watching for people who like lighthearted movies. If you like movies that have a big plot twist, or life-changing movies, you might think that the movie isn’t worth watching.