The newest Spanish teacher and staff member of Colonia High seems to be adjusting very well to the school. Ms. Begona Ferreiro, who had taught previously at Scotch Plains-Fanwood School, replacement to the former Spanish teacher Melissa Lopusznick.
Ferreiro teaches students up to Spanish 2 at an S and R track level. She loves her brand new classes and even told them, “I am going to miss you guys once the semester ends.”

Ferreiro and her first block Spanish 1s students in progress during class.
Ferreiro has been teaching Spanish to children at Middle and High school level for 13 years. She has a very strategic way of her students learning Spanish vocabulary very quick, by giving the students a daily assignment called Palabra del Dia which means the word of the day. Students who enter her class everyday sit down and copy down the Palabra del Dia word, definition, and example sentence that she gives to them on a powerpoint that is projected on the white board. Students then write their own sentences using the Palabra del Dia that they learned followed by Frase de Salida, which means their exit sentence. When the students are finished with their sentence, Ms.Ferreiro will then get her cards of students names, pick 4 and have them share.
Other good strategies that Ferreiro does for the class that is very helpful is have the students turn their rows into diagonal groups. This helps the students go one on one with each other with group assignments, projects, activities, and review games.
Last but not least, there is a very clever thing that Ferreiro provides for her students is a sheet called “Clock Buddy Sheet.” The Clock Buddy Sheet is a numerical organizer, that helps pair up students with each other when needing to work with each other on a partner assignment. It is also used for pairing up students with a partner for Spanish Jeopardy review game.
All in all, Begona Ferreiro is the perfect teacher fit for Colonia with her innovative teaching strategies.