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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

  • February 3ASL Tutoring every Thursday after school
  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
  • February 3No School 2/17 for President's Day
The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

All Day

CHS Choir practice

Colonia High

Choir practice

Autism Acceptance Month

April is Autism Acceptance Month. Autism acceptance means that neurodivergent people have their differences celebrated and recognized as strengths, rather than characterized as weaknesses.

Clothing drive

The PTO is hosting a clothing drive on Saturday April 29th. They are looking for volunteers between 8 AM - 12:00 PM. Students may volunteer for the whole time or...

PTO Clothing Drive

The PTO is hosting a clothing drive on Saturday April 29th. They are looking for volunteers between 8 AM - 12:00 PM. Students may volunteer for the whole time or...

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The student news site of Colonia High School