Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
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S Sat
4 events,
English Speaking Union Shakespeare Competition announcement
Congratulations to Joseph Paladino and Tess Powell for winning our school’s English Speaking Union Shakespeare Competition. They will move onto the State competition on February 26th with the possibility of nationals.
10 events,
Junior class Krispy Kreme sale
The junior class will be having a Krispy Kreme Donuts Fundraiser. It will be starting on 2/27 and will be going on until 3/17. A dozen glazed donuts will be $14 and a dozen of special donuts will be $16. If interested in purchasing, please see a junior class officer.
Clean Monday
Clean Monday
Clean Monday is celebrated on the sixth Monday before Palm Sunday every year in Greece and this year, it falls on February 27.
International Polar Bear Day
International Polar Bear Day
International Polar Bear Day on February 27 raises awareness on the issues facing polar bears and the ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint. Climate change is a huge threat to polar bears’ existence and it’s up to us to take action and protect their future.
FBLA meeting
FBLA meeting
The next meeting for all FBLA members will be today in room 136 after school. Please see Mrs. Kenney if you have any questions.
5 events,
SNHS bake sale
SNHS bake sale
The Science National Honor Society will be holding a bake sale on February 28th during lunches. Be sure to purchase a sweet treat!
CHS Mini-THON Meeting
CHS Mini-THON Meeting
The CHS Mini-THON is having its next regular meeting TODAY after school in room 128. New members are always welcome! Come join us in our fight against childhood cancers! See Mr. Chester or Ms. DelPortal with any questions.
7 events,
15 events,
National Old Stuff Day
the day when people across the country clean out their closets and garages, rediscover old treasures, and declutter their lives.
Student vs. Faculty Fundraiser Ticket Sale
Student vs. Faculty Fundraiser Ticket Sale
We are hosting a student vs. faculty fundraiser for all grades. If you are interested in attending this event, ticket sales will begin on Thursday, March 2nd during lunches. We are still in need of faculty and student participants. See Ms. Blash or Ms. Rondeau if you have any questions.
Dr Seuss Day
Dr Seuss Day
Dr. Seuss's birthday is celebrated on March 2 and it celebrates both the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel and the National Education Association to endorse the importance of reading. A lesser-known fact about Dr. Seuss is that he created the word nerd.
National Peanut Month
National Peanut Month
This National Peanut Day, grab a handful, salted or not, and savor the flavor of our national goober.
National Nutrition Month
National Nutrition Month
The campaign, celebrated each year during the month of March, focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.
9 events,
5 events,
8 events,
Regular meeting after school in room 128. New members are always welcome! Come join in our fight against childhood cancers! See Mr. Chester or Ms. DelPortal with any questions.
Medical Careers Club Meeting
Medical Careers Club Meeting
Attention all members of the Medical Careers Club. Meeting will be held after school on Tuesday, March 7, in room 129. Guest speaker, urologist, Dr. Noh will be visiting CHS. See Ms. Lugo for any questions.
Asian Culture Club
Asian Culture Club
Asian Culture Club is hosting a Holi event. Anyone on the Holi committee or interested in helping organizing, please attend the meeting.
9 events,
4 events,
2023 Senior Awards Night scholarship application
Attention Seniors! The 2023 Senior Awards Night scholarship Application is now open in Naviance. It needs to be completed by March 10th for you to be considered for one of the over 100 scholarships that are given on Senior Awards Night. Some of the scholarships require essays. Check the Scholarship tab in Naviance or see...
8 events,
French Honor Society induction ceremony
French Honor Society induction ceremony
Attention French Honor Society: The Induction Ceremony will take place today at 3:00 pm. Please report directly to the Media Center by 2:40 to assist with set-up.
7 events,
CHS Book Club
CHS Book Club
The CHS Book Club will meet on Wednesday, March 15th in room 214 to discuss The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. Join us to discuss the novel and help us choose our next book. Please see Ms. O'Neill for more information.
FREE Prom Dress Extravaganza
FREE Prom Dress Extravaganza
Do you want to go to the Prom or Junior Cotillion and don't have anything to wear??? You are in luck... It is time once again for the "FREE Prom Dress Extravaganza." It will take place Wednesday, March 15th from 4-7 pm at Woodbridge High School in the cafeteria. Make sure you bring your school...
5 events,
ASL tutoring
ASL tutoring
Do you need help with signing or want to sign to others? Then come to the media center after school and join ASL 2 as they help others with what is needed.
7 events,
Makeup and Hair Crew
Makeup and Hair Crew
Anyone interested in working on the Makeup and Hair Crew for All Shook Up, please come to a meeting immediately after school on Friday, March 17th in the auditorium. Any questions, see Mrs. Platko
6 events,
Selling Pretzels
Selling Pretzels
Outside of the cafeteria, members of the DEI will be selling pretzels to raise money for menstrual products.
Pretzel sale
Pretzel sale
The Student Led Action Committee will be selling soft pretzels during lunches on Monday, March 20th to support this year's Menstrual Equity Project. Proceeds will help to supply CHS students with free menstrual products. See Mr. Long if you have any questions.
5 events,
5 events,
ASL Tutoring
ASL Tutoring
Do you need help with what you are learning in class or just want to sign with other ASL students? Well, come to the media center after school and get the help needed.
4 events,
CHS Mini-THON’s Falling into Wonderland dance
CHS Mini-THON’s Falling into Wonderland dance
Located in Cafe 1, the dance is Alice in Wonderland themed, there is no formal dress code, so feel free to wear an outfit of your choice! Tickets will be sold near Cafe 2 during all lunches AND at the door for $8. They can be purchased with cash or online from a student selling...
4 events,
CHS Feeling Lucky Tricky Tray
CHS Feeling Lucky Tricky Tray
$30 Admission (includes 1 sheet of level 1 tickets & a door prize ticket) $45 ticket bundles ($65 value) for all 3 levels will be available up to March 11th ticket bundles do not include admission
6 events,
Interact Club
Interact Club
Do you want to be more involved with your community? Then join interact club and help out with their amazing ideas. They meet every other Monday! Meeting after school in Caf 2.
FBLA Meeting
FBLA Meeting
The rescheduled FBLA meeting will be held on Monday, March 27 at 2:40 pm in Room 136. If you have any questions please contact an officer or Mrs. Kenney.
8 events,
Asian Culture Club sale
Asian Culture Club sale
The Asian Culture Club will be selling snacks including fresh samosas on Wednesday, March 29. Don't forget to bring a few extra bucks and have a tasty treat!
6 events,
ASL Tutoring
ASL Tutoring
Struggling with the content that you are learning in class? Well come down to the media center and get the help needed by ASL 2 students. They will help you study and feel more confident in what you are learning!
6 events,
Spanish Honor Society meeting
Spanish Honor Society meeting
There will be a meeting for all existing members of the Spanish Honor Society today at 7:30 AM in room 210. They will be electing officers and discussing the Induction Ceremony for new members in April. Please see Mrs. Goros or Mrs. Gardella if you cannot attend.
FBLA meeting
FBLA meeting
There will be an FBLA meeting today in room 136 at 2:40 p.m. Be sure to bring completed and signed permission slips. Please see Mrs. Kenney with any questions.
Varsity softball game
Varsity softball game
There will be a varsity softball game today at 4:30 p.m. against Bayonne High School. The game will take place at Gregg Park in Bayonne.
Varsity baseball game
Varsity baseball game
The varsity baseball team will play today at home against David Brearley High School. The game is at 4:30 p.m.