Calendar of Events
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2 events,
5 events,
Marching Patriots Parade Practice
Marching Patriots Parade Practice
The Colonia High School's Marching band will have parade practice after school on February 26th, 2024. The practice will help prepare for the St. Patricks Day Parade. Please see Mr. Perdoni if questions arise.
The Art and Legacy of F. Luis Mora: America’s First Hispanic Master
The Art and Legacy of F. Luis Mora: America’s First Hispanic Master
John Kerry Dyke, the historians of Perth Amboy, will be coming to discuss Art and Legacy of F. Luis Mora. Known as a esiel painter, illustrator and Commericial Artist.
5 events,
Asian Culture Club
Asian Culture Club
Asian Culture Club will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 28. Join us in the media center after school. All students participating in the AAPI event should attend this meeting. Any questions, please see Mrs. Shetty.
Polar Bear Art
Polar Bear Art
Enjoy winter by creating your own painted polar bear. This craft is for children ages 5-8 and an accompanying adult. Registration is required for Woodbridge Township residents and begins on the 20th on February. Register online, in-person, or by calling 732-634-4450, ext. 7140.
7 events,
SNHS Tutoring
SNHS Tutoring
Need help with science? Then you are in luck! Every Wednesday at 7:00 a.m in room 128, there is a group of students ready to tutor you.
Student Council Meeting
Student Council Meeting
There will be a student council meeting on February 28th, 2024. The meeting will take place in the morning in the media center. The meeting will discuss future events for the upcoming months. Please see Ms. Cena if any questions arise.
10 events,
SNHS Tutoring
SNHS Tutoring
Need help with science? Then you are in luck! Every Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in room 128, there is a group of students ready to tutor you.
Ecology club is collecting plastic
Ecology club is collecting plastic
If every student brought in a little over one half of a pound of plastic film, we would be eligible to receive a new bench for our courtyard. You can drop off your plastic film to Room 133 and if you have any questions you can see Ms. Greffer or Mr. Dougher.
10 events,
7 events,
Dr.Suess Day
Celebrate the life of Theodore Geisel, the author of beloved children's books such as 'Cat In The Hat' and 'Oh The Places You'll Go!'.
5 events,
Youth Empowerment Bake Sale
Youth Empowerment Bake Sale
They'll be selling baked goods and purple ribbons outside of cafeterias.
7 events,
Guitar Club in Room 228
Guitar Club in Room 228
Come Jam out with Mr. Perrino and others passionate about music every Tuesday after school.
Teen Community Service Club
Teen Community Service Club
Children in grades from 8-12 can get an hour worth of community service at Fords Library.
Fords – Teens: Community Service Club
Fords – Teens: Community Service Club
Formerly known as Teen Advisory Group! Grades 8-12 only, please. No registration required.
Iselin – Explore “Water” (STEAM) Ages 4 – 8
Iselin – Explore “Water” (STEAM) Ages 4 – 8
Enjoy "Water" theme activity stations, and a craft station. Registration is required for Woodbridge Township residents and begins 1 week before the program. Register online, in-person at the Iselin Branch Library or by phone by calling 732-726-7073.
7 events,
Iselin – Storytime – For 2 year olds
Iselin – Storytime – For 2 year olds
A story time for 2 year old boys and girls with an accompanying adult. Open to all Woodbridge residents. Registration is required, register either online or in person at the Iselin Branch Library.
Story Time for Two Year Olds
Story Time for Two Year Olds
A story time that is designated for kids two and up! They must be joined by a parent or guardian for a fun time at the library full of stories, songs, and rhymes. Registration is required and begins 1 week before the program. Register online, in-person at the Main Library Children's Room or by calling,...
Main–Preschool Maker’s Day Paper Rocket Grab & Go
Main–Preschool Maker’s Day Paper Rocket Grab & Go
everything you need to make a paper straw rocket in this grab-and-go craft that combines science and art.
5 events,
SNHS Tutoring
SNHS Tutoring
Need help with science? Then you are in luck! Every Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in room 128, there is a group of students ready to tutor you.
Learn How To Draw Comics and Anime!
Learn How To Draw Comics and Anime!
A free class taught at Iselin Library by Nicolle Rochino. Open to people ages 13+ Please bring: . Your favorite comic/manga . Pencils . Eraser . Paper/notebook . Ink pens . Cosplay optional
4 events,
The Irish Balladeer
The Irish Balladeer
Traditional Irish storytelling, music and step dancing performed by Richard Stillman-with bagpipes, mandolin, banjo, guitar, concertina and pennywhistle.
3 events,
Digital SAT
Digital SAT
all test takers must visit a tech liaison by Wednesday, March 6th to put your Chromebook into test mode.
3 events,
Woodbridge St. Patricks Day Parade
There will be a parade for St. Patricks Day at Woodbridge Main Street
6 events,
EXHIBIT: Woodbridge Treasures ~ A Snapshot of Recreation, Leisure Activities, and Student Life from the Woodbridge Public Library Archives
A Snapshot of Recreation, Leisure Activities, and Student Life from the Woodbridge Public Library Archives Join us for our second annual showcase of Woodbridge History from the Woodbridge Public Library and celebrate the launch of the latest Woodbridge Township Historic Preservation Brochure Vol. XV: Fun & Games: Leisure Opportunities in Woodbridge 1850-1950. Free to attend
7 events,
SNHS Tutoring
SNHS Tutoring
Need help with science? Then you are in luck! Every Wednesday at 7:00 a.m in room 128, there is a group of students ready to tutor you.
POETSWEDNESDAY, Messineo & Scott Laudati
POETSWEDNESDAY, Messineo & Scott Laudati
PoetsWednesday March 13, 2024 ~ 8-10pm Featured Program: David Messineo & Scott Laudati PoetsWednesday Meets the 2nd Wednesday of Every Month For more information, please contact poetry director: Deborah C. LaVeglia tel. (908) 272-3141 Email: [email protected]
POETSWEDNESDAY: March 2024 ~ David Messineo & Scott Laudati
POETSWEDNESDAY: March 2024 ~ David Messineo & Scott Laudati
PoetsWednesday March 13, 2024 ~ 8-10pm Featured Program: David Messineo & Scott Laudati PoetsWednesday Meets the 2nd Wednesday of Every Month For more information, please contact poetry director: Deborah C. LaVeglia tel. (908) 272-3141 Email: [email protected] attendance is free.
5 events,
Mandatory National Honor Society Meeting
Mandatory National Honor Society Meeting
In the auditorium Newbies - Bring $20 CASH for Dues & sit in your assigned ceremony seats Two-Year Members - Sit on the Right Side of the Auditorium
Mini-THON Out of This World Event
Mini-THON Out of This World Event
The Mini-THON will hold it's yearly main event. The theme is Out of This World, so students may dress to theme. There will be games and food, and it is open to highschoolers within the school district. Tickets are $8, and all money goes to fight childhood cancer!
2 events,
3 events,
South Amboy St. Patricks Day Parade
The Colonia High School Marching Patriots will perform in the South Amboy St. Patricks Day Parade
1 event,
3 events,
Spring Musical- Into the Woods
Playing a senior citizens performance on March 20th, standard performances from March 21st through the 24th. Held at the auditorium, there will be a fee to attend.
SNHS Tutoring
SNHS Tutoring
Need help with science? Then you are in luck! Every Wednesday at 7:00 a.m in room 128, there is a group of students ready to tutor you.
3 events,
3 events,
2 events,
3 events,
Asian Culture Club food collection
To coincide with Ramadan, the Asian Culture Club will be collecting canned food and other non-perishable items to donate to the Masjid Al-Wali Food Pantry to help local families in need. The food drive will run now through March 29. Drop off your donations in the bin in the front lobby. Look for flyers around...
6 events,
National Honor Society Induction
The National Honor Society Induction will take place at Colonia High School
College Fair at Woodbridge High
College Fair at Woodbridge High
Parent/Guardian permission is required to attend the event. Permission slips are due by March 22nd and can be picked up from the Counseling office. Transportation will be provided to and from this event.
5 events,
Read to a Dog
Read to a Dog
Read to a Dog program for children in Grades 1 & up Registration is required for Woodbridge Township residents and begins 1 week before the program. A therapy dog will listen to the children read at 10 minute segments. Held on Thursday, March 28, 2024 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Register online, in-person at the Fords Branch...