Attention all students. This year our Colonia high school advisors and staff are hosting the first ever, yearbook party! This event will be held outside on the football field on June 6th during blocks 1 and 2, and will only be for students who purchase a yearbook online by April 30th. Please see all additional...
The CHS Mini-THON is holding its next regular meeting TODAY after school in the media center! We are working on our final event for the year: the spring festival. Be sure to see Mr. Chester with any questions or if you cannot attend the meeting.
All Gala members and Thespian Society members new and old must attend a meeting on Thursday 5/2. Discussion of Gala numbers and upcoming rehearsals will take place. Please see the Google Classroom for any and all updates.
Attention ALL CHS Patriots: There will be a Star Wars themed bake sale today during all lunches in front of Cafe 2. Please stop by to purchase a homemade treat.
$30 Admission includes: one sheet Tier 1 tickets & one door prize ticket, bring your own food and beverage. To get your order form email [email protected]
The French Honor Society will meet on Tuesday, April 9th after school in room 216. This meeting is mandatory for everyone participating in the induction ceremony. Please see the Classroom for more information.
The CHS Mini-THON is hosting a snack sale TOMORROW during all lunches outside of the cafeterias. We will have a variety to choose from, so make sure to stop by and get something! This is our last one for the year!
Attention to all students taking the SAT on Saturday, June 1 . To ensure a seamless experience, all test takers must visit a tech liaison as soon as possible if you are planning to use your district Chromebook. This includes ALL students taking the SAT regardless of the testing site, as no loaners will be...
There will be a Latino Cultural Club meeting today in Room 240 after school. Come join us to play games and talk about the culture, new members are always welcome!
This is your invitation to the cookout.....actually, it's the BSU Juneteenth Event. It will be held on Friday, June 7th. There will be fun, prizes, and music. Baked goods, soul food, and drinks will be on sale. Wristbands will be on sale during lunches beginning Wednesday, May 29th, for $2 per block or $5 for...
Don't forget Wednesday, May 29th is Colonia High School College Commitment Day!! Make sure to wear your college shirt and celebrate with your class in the front lobby during your block 3 lunch.
This is the closing reception for "Art That Tracks: Visual Artists Explore Trains & Locomotives" Trains and Train Travel evoke a myriad of ideas and emotions based on the person. For some, they can instill a sense of nostalgia for days gone by. They can be a symbol of romance, luxury, strength and fortitude of...