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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

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  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

All content by Photo via Merriam-Webster
She leant forward to peruse the document more closely

[Photo] Peruse

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
May 18, 2021
Three divers were reported overdue by their dive boat.

[Photo] Divers

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
May 17, 2021
There is little that is blithesome and cheerful, but much that is melancholy.

[Photo] Blithesome

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
May 14, 2021
I almost envy you the excitement of golf, which helps the fresh air to exhilarate, and gives variety of exercise.

[Photo] Exhilarate

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
May 13, 2021
Veracity is the strongest element of her character.

[Photo] Veracity

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
May 12, 2021
In the archipelago, the great religions had curious adventures.

[Photo] Archipelago

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
May 7, 2021
My cheap husband bought me a dross ring that turned my finger green.

[Photo] Dross

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 30, 2021
I hope that they will be able to reach amicable agreement.

[Photo] Amicable

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 29, 2021
Our school herald delivered the announcements every morning.

[Photo] Herald

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 28, 2021
Rococo art works often depict themes of love, classical myths, youth, and playfulness.

[Photo] Rococo

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 27, 2021
Even though Marie claims to be an epicure, she is not one because she will eat anything served to her.

[Photo] Epicure

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 26, 2021
Dude, don't bogart the chocolate fudge!

[Photo] Bogart

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 23, 2021
Someone who is ebullient is bubbling over with enthusiasm.

[Photo] Ebullient

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 22, 2021
As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man.

[Photo] Touchstone

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 21, 2021
She expressed disdain at the adulation the industry gives to beauty over talent.

[Photo] Adulate

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 20, 2021
Many would have bought the chlamys, but there was something less saleable in the child and flowers.

[Photo] Chlamys

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 19, 2021
the young woman's wealth unfortunately made her a lodestone for fortune hunters

[Photo] Lodestone

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 16, 2021
Brad Pitt, a renowned award winning actor who played Detective Mills

[Photo] Obstreperous

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 15, 2021
The manager's mean look served to discomfit me during the interview.

[Photo] Discomfit

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 14, 2021
Although the message seemed minatory, the student swore that it was joke and not a threat.

[Photo] Minatory

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 13, 2021
The defenders of the fort made a gallant stand.

[Photo] Gallant

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 12, 2021
Jim was arrested for acting on a vendetta against the man who killed his wife.

[Photo] Vendetta

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 9, 2021
download (40)

[Photo] Savvy

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 8, 2021
She asked for a cup of coffee and received a brusque reply: “We don't have any.” The teacher was brusque and impatient.

[Photo] Brusque

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 7, 2021
He stole from the store so he went to the hoosegow.

[Photo] Hoosegow

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 6, 2021
Your questions should pertain directly to the discussion topic.

[Photo] Pertain

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
April 2, 2021
The Hobbit characters are some of the most beloved of all the Lord of the Rings characters.

[Photo] Hobbit

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
March 25, 2021
He spent eight months convalescing after the stroke. 

[Photo] Covalesce

By: Jackie Poznanski, Editor
December 23, 2020
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The student news site of Colonia High School
Photo via Merriam-Webster