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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

  • February 3ASL Tutoring every Thursday after school
  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
  • February 3No School 2/17 for President's Day
The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Sophia Montesinos

Sophia Montesinos, Reporter

Sophia Montesinos is a sophomore at Colonia High School. In her free time she enjoys playing volleyball, for both her school and club team. Montesinos is also an avid reader, her favorite genre or genre she “specializes” in is romance. Her favorite author of this genre include Jenny Han, Anna Huang and Hannah Grace. In school she is apart of many activities such as, Student Council, SPTS and Class Office, she is the class president for the class of 2027! During the summer she spends her days down by the shore, specifically Seabright, she also enjoys traveling with her family to places all around the world in the summer including Spain, Mexico, Canada and many more. After high school, she hopes to one day attend Penn State University for broadcast journalism and live down by the beach.

All content by Sophia Montesinos
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The student news site of Colonia High School
Sophia Montesinos