Today belts are a thing of the past … for most men anyway. Sagging is very common today for men of all ages but mostly in teens. Most men sag everything now-a-days from their jeans to sweatpants and sometimes as far as dress pants, but is this a problem?
Many people are a “complete no” on sagging while some don’t really mind. Personally, I think a little goes a long way when it comes to sagging, while many others may disagree I don’t think a lot of men like their pants so tight fitting so the sagging helps to give them a little leeway. Traditionally, pants were suppose to be worn at your waist which is at your belly button. Although I don’t find sagging as detrimental as others may, I think the line that should be drawn is when your underclothes are showing, which I think is pushing the fad too far.
The biggest pet peeve of many is when the person sagging is also wearing a belt which is very contradicting but happens a lot since a lot of younger men like to sport name brand belts from brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and MCM. So the belt and the sagging still keeps them on trend for the ideal look today.
The question is when is it considered disrespectful and if you are going to do it at all when are the right or wrong times? I know you could be thinking how could sagging be seen as disrespectful but in the wrong environment it can be. For example, if you sag in the place of business it can not be a good look for the company and is a show of disrespect. Another place sagging is more inappropriate than usual is at formal functions. If you choose to sag I think the best place to do it is in your everyday when no important or formal events are going on and to even then keep it at a minimum.
Keep in mind those people who have to function near you. Should they be subjected to your Sponge Bob draws while taking a test or are simply trying to learn? At the end of the day, your under clothes are meant to stay under your clothes.