Michelle Remite-Bethet is a 17 year old, twelfth grade journalist at CHS. Remite is originally from right here in Colonia, NJ, and has grew up here her since she was ten months old. She lives with her mother, her father, three sisters, and a dog named Willy. In her free time, she enjoys making and listening to music. Remite plays both acoustic and electric guitar, piano, and violin. Some of her favorite artists are Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and more. Remite loves to sit at home and watch shows like Law and Order: SVU, New Girl, and House M.D.. Her favorite animal is a penguin and her favorite color is teal, turquoise, and aqua. Remite’s mother came from Guatemala, causing Remite to speak some Spanish. Remite is excited to be Editor-in-Chief and working on The Declaration team, and is looking forward to reporting news, and making articles for Colonia High School. Follow her for CHS Updates on twitter:@NewsColonia .