Cell phones are a good way to keep in touch with family and friends, but is it worth to risk your life to text someone back while driving?
Texting and driving is the second most deadliest driving distraction in the world. Sending or receiving a text message takes your eyes off the road for four point six seconds.
According to Edgar Snyder & associates nearly 390,000 accidents are caused by texting and driving each year. It is six times more likely to cause an accident than drunk driving. Just alone in the United States one out of four fatal car crashes are caused by being on your phone.

11 teens die everyday as a result of texting and driving
Almost all teenagers know the dangers of using your phone while driving, about 35% teens admitted to doing it themselves. From changing their music to sending a text message to a friend or family member. 263 teens were killed in a vehicle crash just in 2016, from using their phone.
New Technology
Cars are getting more advanced in there features, which makes it easier for people to use their phones. Some cars now have USB ports, WIFI, apple car play and android auto, and Bluetooth/ AUX cords. This technology makes people more distracted because their phone is now right on their screen where the radio is supposed to be.
Many people using their phones while driving don’t know the fines or consequences if they get pulled over. If you get pulled over the first time its a fine of $200.00 to $400.00, but no motor vehicle points. The second offense is a fine of $400.00 to $600.00, and still no motor vehicle points. The third offense you get a fine of $600.00 to $800.00, three motor vehicle points and suspension of your license for 90 days.