High school is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. People often say to enjoy high school because it can be the best four years of your life, or it could be the worst four, depending.
Going into high school as freshman is a scary experience. There are tons of new people, classrooms, teachers, and school events. In order to ensure that your high school years are the best, keep in mind these tips.
Break out of your comfort zone. It is easier said than done, but that is how you become more familiar with the school and the students in it.
Join clubs! There are at least a couple dozen clubs and after school activities that would love to have new members. There are various activities that apply to every different type of interest you can think of. For example, at Colonia High there is a Board Game Club, Ping Pong Club, Magic Club, Poetry Club, Yearbook, and Newspaper Club. If you find that none peak your interest, you can always start a club.
Student Council comes up with ideas to boost school spirit so if you are innovative you may want to run for an officer position. If you don’t have the time to be a part of Student Council, at least participate in school spirit events like Spirit Week, Pep Rallies, and Battle of the Classes.
Another way to make the most out of high school is to attend sporting events. There are schedules of all of the sporting events that can be found in every classroom, as well as online on the Colonia High School website. Even if you are not a fan of tennis, volleyball, or football, you can still show your school spirit and attend the games. Not only are the games interesting to watch, but you also get to have a good time with your friends.
If you like to play sports or run, go out for a team. Find out when try-outs are and try out. The worst that can happen is that you are cut from the team, and you try again next year. If even you have not played that sport, go out for the team anyway, you never know it could just be the thing you are good at.
Not only are there sporting events, but there are also tons of sponsored events that you can attend. Different classes, clubs, and honor societies hold various events, such as The Prom Fashion Show, The Spring Musical, The Student Faculty Basketball Game, Halloween Masquerade, and Band/ Choir Concerts, just to name a few. Attend a school dance such as the Masquerade, Cotillion or Prom.
The best way to take on high school is with friends by your side. If you see someone sitting and eating lunch alone, offer them a seat with you. You never know, that person may just become your best friend. Go out and talk to different groups of people, which is an easy way to make friends.
High school has to potential to be the best years of your life, do not waste these four years not getting involved. Go out and join that club, see that sporting events, attend those other school hosted events. School goes by way too fast, and it is over before you know it, so do not hesitate to go out and get involved.