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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

  • February 3ASL Tutoring every Thursday after school
  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
  • February 3No School 2/17 for President's Day
The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Samantha Ashton

Samantha Ashton , Fall Reporter

Samantha Ashton is currently a freshman at Colonia High School. She loves the sports: volleyball and softball. She also enjoys creative writing. Some of her favorite novels are The Fault IN Our Stars (TFIOS), The Maze Runner, and the Divergent Series. Her favorite type of genre would be teen fiction and her hobbies include hanging with friends and watching movies.

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The student news site of Colonia High School
Samantha Ashton