The first week in October is the most anticipates week of school each year. Spirit Week is the one time of year that shows people just how ‘spirited’ Colonia High School is.
Kelly Byington, Senior, commented “It is always cool seeing everyone participate; Spirit Week is always my favorite week.” This year’s themes include: Monday was Red White and Blue Day; Tuesday was Pink out Day; Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday; Thursday was Semi-Formal Day and Friday was as always Blue and Gold Day. All of these events exhibit students supporting their school.

Racing for the win, Erin McGovern places the object in the bucket for a point
Day One of activities included bringing in a tissue box that would later be distributed to the teachers. Both the Red White and Blue contest and bringing in tissues was won by the Class of 2015. There was a tie for second place between the Class of 2018 and 2016 and in third place was the Class of 2017.
Day Two activities was Pink Out Day. Along with wearing pink, students had the opportunity to donate one dollar in honor of Dr. Nancy Spiller, a Colonia staff member who passed away in September. As one community we raised $791 for breast cancer awareness. The Class of 2015 was victorious once again in winning the activities for day two. In second place was the Class of 2016, in third was the Class of 2017 and in fourth was the Class of 2018. Sophomore Melanie Albanese stated, “It was fun; my favorite day would have to be Pink out Day.”
Day three activities was Wacky Wednesday and collecting a toy for the toy drive. The Class of 2015 seems unstoppable by winning three days in a row. Coming in second place was the Class of 2017, in third place was the Class of 2016 and in fourth place was Class of 2018.
Day four activities included Semi-Formal Day and collecting cans for the food drive. “It was fun; I liked Wacky Wednesday and Semi-Formal Day,” stated Jessica Morley, sophomore. The seniors take the prize of placing first once again. Coming in second was the Class of 2016, in third was the Class of 2017, and fourth was the Class of 2018.

The seniors cheering on their classmates
The final day of competition is always the most exciting. It is our SPORTS FINALE!! The annual scavenger hunt included finding a brown paper bag and a shoelace that could not be black or white. The Class of 2015 won this round by a landslide. The next activity was something that was never done in the finale before; the class officers had to collect 50 dimes from their classmates. When completing this challenge, the sophomores tied the seniors. For a tie breaker, the officers had to go back into the stands and collect ten more dimes. The sophomores won this competition by a hair. The final competition is the always anticipated, musical chairs. In the final round, the seniors and the sophomores found themselves head-to-head once again. Nicholas Filzen, senior, was victorious for the second year in a row for his class.
The overall winners for Spirit Week were the Class of 2015! In second place was the Class of 2016, in third place was the Class of 2017 and in fourth place was the Class of 2018. The Class banner winner was the Class of 2015 as well. In second place was the Class of 2016, in third place was the Class of 2018 and in fourth place was the Class of 2017.
Who will be victorious next year?