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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Do you know how to properly cleanse your face?

Photo Credit: Danielle Allen
Although not sold at all grocery stores, Walmart carries Biore’s charcoal cleanser.

Did you know there is a proper way to cleanse your face? Clean hands, a clean drying cloth, and SPF (sunscreen), and lukewarm water are major keys! According to healthline, the key to opening your pores isn’t from using hot 0r cold water, it’s actually lukewarm water that’ll open your pores.

Oil Cleanse (optional)

If you’re wearing make-up it’s best to do the dry method and double cleanse your face with an oil cleanser to remove dirt build up, makeup, and sweat. Oil cleansing on a dry face helps the agents properly deep cleanse your face which can maximize the performance of the face wash.


Depending on your face type you could get a gentle face cleanser for oily, dry, or sensitive skin. It’s best to have it in a foamy consistency for the best results. Massage your face in circular motions for about 1-2 minutes to help remove all impurities, dirt and oil from your face. Cleansing your face two times a day could help blackheads no longer appear. blackheads appear when oils and dirt is left on your face and seeps into your pores. It is important to remove your blackheads because it could grow bigger and cause irritation.


Toner is important and shouldn’t be skipped. A toner is beneficial for maintaining balanced pH levels and eliminating impurities from your skin. To apply, gently use a cotton pad soaked in toner across your face. For individuals with dry or sensitive skin, it’s advisable to choose alcohol-free toners that contain hydrating and soothing ingredients. This will provide extra moisture and help prevent any potential irritation.

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Hydrating your skin is a vital step in maintaining its health. To lock in moisture effectively, apply the moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp. This will help to seal in hydration and keep your face nourished.

It is important to choose a moisturizer that best suits your specific skin type. For example, for oily skin it’s best to use a lightweight and oil-free moisturizer that won’t clog your pores.

Dry skin it’s best for a richer and more hydrating formula that provides long-lasting moisture.

Combination skin it’s best to look for a balanced moisturizer that hydrates without leaving your skin too greasy.

Sensitive skin it’s best to choose a gentle and hypoallergenic moisturizer that soothes and protects your skin.

Sunscreen (spf)

When washing your face in the morning, it is very important to apply sunscreen. Sunscreen plays a vital role in protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, which can lead to premature aging, sunburn, and an increased risk of skin cancer. So it’s best to choose a  sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. When incorporating sunscreen into your daily routine, you’re basically safeguarding your skin against the damaging effects of the sun and maintain its health and appearance.

Helpful Tips

To maintain clean and healthy skin, wash your face twice daily. Once in the morning, once before bed. Consistency is key!!

To prevent dryness and irritation, it’s important to avoid over-washing your face. Washing it too often can strip away natural oils. Stick to washing your face twice a day, unless there’s specific reason to why you should wash more frequently, For example intense sweating.

To prevent the transfer of bacteria and oil, it’s important to always use a fresh and clean towel when drying your face.

To protect your skin’s barrier, it’s best to be gentle and avoid using harsh scrubs and excessive exfoliation.




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