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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

“Midnight Sun” by Stephenie Meyer switches Twilight’s perspective

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Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer is the last book of the Twilight series. It changes the perspective of everything by being told from Bella Swan’s love interest, Edward Cullen.

About the Author

Stephenie Meyer is an American novelist who was born in Hartford, Connecticut. She began writing her famous Twilight series in June of 2003 based on a dream she had that night. It was about a girl and a vampire who were in love, yet he still wanted her blood. This inspired her to start writing a quick draft, which became Chapter 13 of the first Twilight book. Currently, she is working on two more Twilight books which she plans on “doing something brand new”.

What is “Midnight Sun“?

The book starts by introducing Bella Swan’s love interest, Edward Cullen. He’s a teenage vampire with the ability to hear others’ thoughts. He is adopted, has four adoptive siblings and attends Forks High School. He immediately becomes attracted to the new student, Bella, because her blood smells a lot stronger than others’. He’s also confused about why he can’t hear her thoughts. Because of this, he decides to leave town to avoid hurting her but comes back to try and protect her from the other vampires.

After school, Edward makes sure to always keep an eye on Bella, including when she sleeps. He even saves her from a van accident in the school parking lot. Edward finally realizes that he is in love with Bella and decides to talk to her more. He spies on her by listening to other people’s thoughts and even protects her from a group of predatory men.

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Eventually, Bella catches on that Edward is a vampire and confronts him about it. He shuts the thought down and continues to watch her and protect her. After a while, he decides that it is time to tell her the truth about him being a vampire and being in love with her. They meet each other’s families and the Cullen’s protect Bella as well from other vampires. The book ends with Edward sucking the venom out of Bella after she was bitten by another vampire.

Age Group

13+. (Misogyny. Rape & pedophilia mentioned. Suicidal idealization and suicide attempts mentioned)

Opinion on “Midnight Sun”

As a Twilight fan, I feel that all of Meyer’s books are just outstanding. She really incorporates so much detail into all of her books, it’s almost like you feel that you’re in the book. “Midnight Sun” gave me a different perspective on Edward, because I personally always thought that he was narcissistic and selfish. Reading from his perspective shows the genuine love he has for Bella and gives you a completely different look at the whole series.

Reader, Laura Czech says, “I agree with you. Edward is displayed as narcissistic and controlling in the earlier books, but in this one it really shows the limits he crossed just to be with Bella. It makes the reader really want that kind of chase and love he has for her.”

Overall rating: 4.2/5

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Lily Borek
Lily Borek, Editor
Lily Borek is a junior at Colonia High School. She enjoys spending time with friends, watching horror movies and listening to music. Borek plans on going to John Jay College of Criminal Justice to pursue her dream of becoming a forensic psychologist. Borek loves reptiles and even has a leopard gecko herself named Nenos. 

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