With Thanksgiving so close by I decided to fly down to Florida to be with my family for the holiday. As my flight service, I decided to use JetBlue in which my experience turned out better than expected.
It was surprising to find that scheduling for tickets was very lenient being how my tickets were purchased only a week ahead of time. Although I was able to get my hands on a pair of tickets for my mom and myself, the fact that I purchased the airplane tickets so late most likely factored in to their costly price. They totaled to around $1000 for two round-trip tickets.
With all the terrorist attacks lately it’s a surprise to find that going through security was relatively quick. Something to keep in mind though is that if you’re under 13 or over 70, you don’t have to do certain things in the security checks like taking your shoes off. You may also want to note that you’re allowed to bring one personal item and one carry-on onto the plane, luggage you need to check in and pay for prior to getting on the plane.
After following all the procedures enforced by security, finally I was able to sit and relax at my gate as I waited for my plane to arrive. Being that I got there early, the gate wasn’t as packed…yet. Luckily as I waited patiently the airport accommodates you with Wi-Fi, charging outlets for your electronics, numerous stores, bathrooms, and food courts.
Being that I arrived as early as I did, I had to wait a while for my flight to arrive. Gladly though, I didn’t have to wait longer than I was supposed to being that there were no delays preventing our plane from taking off and the amount of time it took for the staff to sanitize the plane for our oncoming fleet of customers wasn’t long enough to test the strength of my patience. Also in other good news, being that I had purchased an “Even More Space” seat, I was permitted into the first group of people that were allowed to board.
Sitting down in the sixth row at my window seat, I had plenty of legroom just as my package had promised. Although I had as much space as I did, I couldn’t get comfortable in my seat as I attempted to nap, but it’s also my fault that I forgot I could recline my seat. I wasn’t concerned with how I would be taken care of during my flight because I knew for a fact that I was in good hands being that JetBlue has received the award for Highest in Customer Satisfaction among low-cost carriers in North America 11 years straight. I was right.
During my flight I had access to JetBlue/the plane’s “fly-fi” which is the free Wi-Fi they grant you for which I was very grateful. When I didn’t feel like using my phone anymore, I had the choice of watching some basic channels on DIRECTV like USA or Comedy Central , listening to the radio, or choosing to pay to watch one of three movies that JetBlue provides to the passengers, and all three of these appliances are integrated and installed in each headrest in front of you.
About halfway through the flight, JetBlue provides you with a choice of snack and drink. Personally, I chose a bag of Popcorners and apple juice.
Another great feature to the flight was that the plane didn’t have only one or two bathrooms, but three. After my two and a half hour flight, row by row all the passengers left the plane and all met again at baggage claim but since I had no baggage to pick up, I resumed outside where I was picked up by family and taken away from the airport.
After everything I went through, I can definitely say that all the money spent on this trip was well spent. Most of the time getting through the transitions of my flight and the airport was quick and easy, I was well accommodated and had plenty of options at the airport and on the plane, and even after all the money that was spent I can say for sure I’ll be using JetBlue’s services again in the near future.