The Muppet Christmas Carol is a 1992 film directed by Brian Henson. It was the first Muppet movie to come out after creator Jim Henson’s death and won Best Director at Fantafestival in 1993. It is an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Michael Caine stars as Ebenezer Scrooge, with the Muppets cast in assorted roles. This is also a classic Christmas film. If you haven’t seen it, you’ve probably seen clips of it, or have family who have seen it. It stands among some of the greatest Christmas movies and is a good time for the whole family.
The puppetry of the movie is something unique to the Muppets. It isn’t seen in most other shows or movies and is really enjoyable to watch because of that creativity and skill. The voices of the Muppets and those who did the puppeteering really shine through in this movie, and is still a joy to watch. But while that aspect has endured through the years, there are moments of animation that have certainly not aged well. The Ghost of Christmas Past taking Scrooge flying across London is a great example. It did, of course, come out in the 1990s, so the animation can’t be helped. It was considered good for the time period, after all.
Rather than playing it straight through the whole movie, there are musical numbers featuring the talents of the Muppets. The songs are very fun and the actors are all good at singing. Even though the musical numbers are a little simple, they are very heartfelt. Lines such as “the world is at her best, you know/ when people love and care,” show off the true spirit of this holiday. There are also joking songs such as “Marley and Marley,” which are not only funny but also show an understanding of the balance between humor and sincerity.
This is a very heartfelt movie, despite the goofy nature of the Muppets playing classic Dickensian characters. It tells the classic story of a man learning to love Christmas and be kind and generous to others. Even as adults, these are messages that will always ring true. We should all go through life looking to be kind and generous to others. The movie balances humor and seriousness well, especially for a movie aimed at children- it doesn’t shy away from sadness, but it also doesn’t overwhelm the audience with gags.
This movie is a fun, family-friendly story about the true meaning of Christmas. But, people have also told this story over and over again. Honestly, it may seem old and overrated. But the message is still one that is important. Out of all of the movies and TV show episodes that have told this tale, “The Muppet Christmas Carol” is undoubtedly one of the best. It stays true to the original novel’s message with a sincerity that is not often seen today.
This movie gets ⅘ presents.