Colonia High School senior Brendan Demitus was selected from 50 members of the First Tee Organization to go to Disney World for a Leadership and Entrepreneurs Forum.
The First Tee is a golfing program available all over the country. Its mission is to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs to build character, encourage life-enhancing values, and promote healthy choices through learning the game of golf. When asked about what inspired him to join the First Tee, Demitus stated that he was originally part of a separate program, but when the selected program was cancelled, his mother did not want him to be disappointed; so she did some research and found the First Tee online.
To apply for the Leadership and Entrepreneurs Forum, Demitus had to complete a basic application. This application is similar to a basic college application, requiring information such as the applicant’s class rank, grade point average,and after-school clubs and sports that the student participates in. However, this application must also include a golfing portfolio that contains the applicant’s handicap as a golfer, the number of tournament wins, and the player’s average score. In response to being selected Demitus stated, “I was in shock, it didn’t really hit me until a few days after I was told.”
This trip to Walt Disney World will be especially different for Demitus this time around. Instead of being at the park on rides all day long with his family, Demitus will be attending four to six hours of instruction daily from Aunt Annie’s® executives and franchise partners.
“This is a good opportunity and looks good for college, being that it is nationally sponsored,” commented Demitus.
The First Tee Organization has helped Demitus learn the basics of public speaking, respect, responsibility and safety along with making healthy choices. Anyone can join the First Tee, starting at the age of 5 until the age of 18. Students can even enter at any athletic level. Demitus would recommend this program to anyone.
When asking about his future with golf, Demitus was quick to answer that he plans on continuing his golfing experience in college.
“Whether it was a Division One School or Division Three School it doesn’t matter to me, as long as I’m playing golf.”