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The student news site of Colonia High School

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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Colonia tennis match against Wardlaw High School

Photo Credit: Johanna Lopez
During the senior night of the boys tennis team, the team gets together for a group photo. The team celebrated 9 seniors.

On April 3, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. the Colonia High School Boys Tennis Team had a match against the Wardlaw-Hartridge Boys Tennis Team. The match took place at Wardlaw-Hartridge High School. 

First set singles

Singles players had a ten minute warm up before the match started. First singles match had Ivan Chu and Jai Maurya playing against each other. Second singles had Joshua Vivas against Richard Zhang. Third singles had Kyle Portington against Pratham Gandhi who had previously played second doubles in the last match against Colonia. After the ten minutes had passed players got into the matches accordingly. Chu’s and Maurya’s match had an intense start. Both players had hard and fast paced serves that were hard for a typical player to receive. Both players however received each serve without getting a single ace. Vivas and Zhang did not have a similar problem as each serve was not as hard and face paced. Each player was consistent during the first match however and played long during the first set. Portington and Gandhi had consistent shots during their match. Gandhi had more consistent shots and some curveballs compared to Portington. 

Second set singles

Each Colonia singles player was down one set. During the second set, depending on when their set ended, players took a minute break to catch a breather, change the score cards, and drink some water. Then the matches resumed. Chu and Maurya continued having an intense match. Each player had the other player running across the court. Each ball was fast paced, with players receiving and hitting a similar face paced shot back. The players were consistent with their shot. Chu had gotten tired during the set, and his stamina was running low. Chu had lost to Maurya during the set again, giving Maurya the win overall. Vivas and Zhang though not having fast paced shots were consistent. Zhang in the end had the more consistent shots. Portington and Gandhi match had Portington on his toes. Portington was running back and forth trying to receive Gandhi’s balls. Gandhi had won the match. 

Statistics – Chu and Maurya

Colonia had faced Wardlaw’s first and second singles before. Chu faced Maurya before at Colonia courts for a match. At the home courts the overall score was 6-1, 6-2 with Chu losing. At Wardlaw’s courts the score was 6-1, 6-1 with Chu losing. Maurya has a higher UTR rating score than Chu with Maurya having a rating of 7 while Chu having a rating of 4. UTR rates players based on the amounts of wins a player has. Chu had stated that Maurya was a challenging player overall, having more powerful shots and more fast paced balls. If Chu could go back and improve something for the match against Maurya, he would focus more on lengthening points and tiring Maurya more. Chu states that he was way too over his head and not up to his standard during the match against Maurya. 

First set doubles

Donovan Magallanes and Nathaniel Alcantara faced Justin Lustgarten and Alex Cagle for first doubles. Wardlaw had forfeited second doubles, giving Colonia an automatic win for second doubles. The match similarly had a ten minute warm up. After the warm up all players got into their match. Alcantara had moreful shots during the match however was inconsistent. Magallanes had consistent shots however Lustgarten and Cagle had consistent shots back. Lustgarten and Cagle overall did not have as powerful shots as the singles players, however their consistency helped them win the first set. 

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Second set doubles

The second doubles team for Colonia tried to persevere through the tactics from the opposing team.  Wardlaw had kept shooting lane shots that were hard to receive for Colonia. Colonia still tried their best to receive their shots. Alcantara and Magallanes had been better closer to the net compared to being further away. Lustgarten and Cagle were diverse with the court and had been good anywhere they were placed. Colonia doubles kept preserving and played well by the net, winning some games for Colonia. Alcantara and Magallanes tried to give powerful serves to Wardlaw. Wardlaw had received these serves and hit the ball back to Colonia.  In the end, Wardlaw had won the second set giving the win for Wadlaw.  


Alcantara and Magallanes had played Lustgarten and Cagle before. At Wardlaw, Alcantara and Magallanes had a final score of 2-6, 3-6. At a previous match at Colonia, the two had a score of 2-6, 1-6. Magallanes has stated that Lustgarten and Cagle had the advantages of being more experienced in tennis. He states that Lustgarten and Cagle played as if they weren’t trying until they started losing some games. Magallanes says he has tried his best and played to the best of his ability. The sun and the hot weather did affect his stamina. Overall however, Magallanes says he is proud of the match.

Final Result 

Wardlaw had won over Colonia, with an overall score of 4-1. Coach Finnegen of the Colonia High Schools boys tennis team congratulated the team. Though the team had a tough loss, Finnegen states the team played well.

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About the Contributor
Jaden Espiritu
Jaden Espiritu, Reporter
Jaden Espiritu is a senior at Colonia High School. He is a Filipino American who is involved in many activities in his school physically and mentally. He is a part of the cross country and tennis team. Espiritu is also taking part in numerous AP classes and dual enrollment classes. Out of all the AP classes taken, Espiritu has found AP Biology and the dual enrollment course Anatomy and Physiology the most interesting. He plans on pursuing a pre-med track in college with a major in Bio. Other clubs he is a part of in his high school include Mini-THON where he has raised over $10,000 for pediatric cancer. Espiritu has also been in the school’s marching band for four years where he plays the alto sax. He plans to continue playing his instrument in his lifetime.  In his free time Espiritu loves to travel. Whether it is a small antique store or a historical museum in a different country or state, Espiritu loves the idea of exploring the world. To capture these moments, Espiritu also likes to take pictures anywhere he goes. Espiritu can’t help but capture the moment with his phone or camera. Other hobbies include playing video games and writing about current events. Espiritu is very excited to take journalism and to become a journalist. It fosters his creativity and allows him to advocate for change for the world while at the same time writing about topics he is passionate about. 

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