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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

  • February 3ASL Tutoring every Thursday after school
  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
  • February 3No School 2/17 for President's Day
The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Rho Kappa's Cabinet (from left to right) Jennifer Mulrooney, Dina Rezk, Nicholas Filzen, Paige Nonnenmacher, and Samantha Czapik

45 Colonia Seniors Inducted into Rho Kappa

By: Brianna Kelly, Spring Reporter and Editor
February 18, 2015
Students require more sleep than adults.

Sleep and Stress: Teens vs Adults

By: Sam Pucci, Spring Reporter and Editor
February 4, 2015
At the 50th Anniversary Car Show for the Mustang in April of 2014, thousands of Mustang fans brought their ponies to Charlotte Motor Speedway in North Carolina.

50 Year Old Stallion

By: Julian Palermo, Fall Reporter
January 22, 2015
Izod Center is set to close February 1st.

NJ to Pull the Plug on the IZod Center

By: Peyton Forman, Club Reporter
January 19, 2015

Ending the semester with a bang: Total Rock

By: Alyssa Lage, Spring Reporter and Editor
January 17, 2015
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are the newly industrialized countries that represents 18% of the world's economy.

BRICS Bank Emerges as National Security Threat

By: John Fantell, Guest Reporter under Citizens Journalism
January 1, 2015
Students take a picture with all the toys that were collected.

Colonia collects toys for the less fortunate

By: Stephanie Kontra, Fall Editor and Reporter
December 16, 2014
Lexii Turk and Wilmond Vano perform on stage.

Colonia High School premieres Twelfth Night

By: Kelly Cronin, Fall Reporter
December 15, 2014
Christmas icons unveiled

Christmas icons unveiled

By: Melanie Paiva, Fall Reporter
December 3, 2014
The United States isn't the only place with an Icon for Christmas, but "Santa" is different all around the world.

Santas all around the world

By: Samantha Ashton, Fall Reporter
December 1, 2014
Black Friday shopping at Target.

Black Friday, Mayhem and Great Deals?

By: Sean Watters, Fall Reporter
November 26, 2014
When it is the gift inside the box that matters, consult this guide for help with holiday purchasing.

Holiday Gift Survival Guide

By: Kelly Cronin, Fall Reporter
November 25, 2014
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The student news site of Colonia High School