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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

  • February 3ASL Tutoring every Thursday after school
  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
  • February 3No School 2/17 for President's Day
The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Zachary Kaye

Zachary Kaye, Fall Reporter

Zachary Kaye is a 17 year old Senior at Colonia High School, with his birthday on September 30. He plays football for the school and is a captain of the team. When not playing, he is a huge sports fan and enjoys watching sports. One of his favorite activities during the NFL season is participating in Fantasy Football with his friends. His favorite sports teams are the NFL Philadelphia Eagles, the MLB New York Mets, and the NBA Philadelphia 76ers. Another hobby of his is to watch movies, mainly superhero ones. His favorite movies are Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Thor Ragnarok. Kaye is very big into music and his favorite artist is the singer/rapper Post Malone, although he enjoys almost all genres. He Lives at home with his mother and his sister. He is not sure of a major yet and hopes to go to either Quinnipiac University or Rowan University and find a passion for something within the next few years.

All content by Zachary Kaye
Seen here is the cast of the Jersey Shore TV show, giving a farewell before the conclusion of the final season.

The Jersey Shore: How real is it?

By: Zachary Kaye, Fall Reporter
March 3, 2019
Seen here is NBA legend Charles Barkley during an interview at East Carolina University.

February 20, 1963- Charles Barkley is born

By: Zachary Kaye, Fall Reporter
February 21, 2019
Seen here is MLB icon Babe Ruth in a Boston Red Sox jersey, who were unable to win a World Series for 86 years after they traded away Babe Ruth to the Yankees.

February 6, 1895- Babe Ruth is born

By: Zachary Kaye, Fall Reporter
February 8, 2019
college football

College Football 2018: A year in review

By: Zachary Kaye, Fall Reporter
January 12, 2019
Seen here is former NFL superstar Chad Johnson (#85, left) hugging his opponent after a game.

January 9, 1978- Chad Johnson is born

By: Zachary Kaye, Fall Reporter
January 9, 2019
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The student news site of Colonia High School
Zachary Kaye