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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Girls’ Bowling defeats Perth Amboy and Monroe

Photo Credit: Lors Studio
Members of the bowling team pose after a great win.

Back to back wins for the Lady Pats. On the December 17th the Colonia Girls’ Bowling team defeated Perth Amboy with a total pin score of 2191 to 1786. Then on December 18th, the Colonia Girls’ Varsity bowling team defeated Monroe with a score of 2137 to 1988.

During the Perth Amboy Girls’ match, junior Bridget Trela scored 596 pins for the team, more than the other players on the team. In the second game Colonia’s Alexandria Dobbin and Trela scored their game high. Dobbin scored 171 and Trela scored a 214. For Perth Amboy, Kaylin Nguyen had her high game of 169 in the 3 game with hope to help her team win a game. Colonia defeated Perth Amboy in all 3 games of the match.

During the Monroe match the next day, Trela also had the highest pin score, this time with 586. The highest scoring player from Monroe was junior Chrystal Stasicky with a score of 494. Throughout the game, Colonia had the edge over Monroe. For the first game, Colonia lead with a 692 to Monroe’s 659. Colonia won the second game with a score of 725 to Monroe’s 691. Lastly, Colonia had a 720 in their third game, and Monroe only had a score of 638.

Trela was able to have the highest score for every game of the match, including all of the players from Monroe High School. Trela started off the match with a score 179 at the end of the first game. She then got 224 in the second game, her highest score for the match. After game three, she got 183 points, which placed her at her 586 score for the match.

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After the two wins, Colonia’s record improved to 4-1-0. The next match for Colonia is against Sayreville on January 7th at 4 pm. Sayreville is currently 6-1-0, so Colonia may have some stiff competition at their next bowling match.

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About the Contributor
Andy Kuchen
Andy Kuchen, Media Manager & Reporter
Andy Kuchen, a published poet and senior at ColoniaHigh School, has been a writer for The Declaration for over a year and a half. His articles are mainly reviews of television series as well as films. Besides journalism, he is involved in filmmaking and the Interact Club at CHS. Kuchen is a hardworking and creative person. He can typically be spotted with an iPhone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

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Girls’ Bowling defeats Perth Amboy and Monroe