Gotham is a Crime Drama on Fox that aired September 22, 2014. The plot follows Detective Jim Gordon in the years before the events of Batman came to be, and how Gordon protects Gotham through average policing.
Although Gotham is a great television show, for one who is a fan of the Batman series, it conflicts with already given information. For example they changed some names of important characters which generated questions of if it is even the same character. The names are similar enough that they are recognizable, but because of the change it is a questionable matter. Even some of the background information has changed, not all of the villains grew up in Gotham City. Another very important fact that the producers disregarded was that Bruce Wayne, was not friends with any of the villains in his childhood. In the TV series, Bruce Wayne has occasional antics of going off on adventures with Selina
On the other hand, if one isn’t an extreme fan of Batman, and doesn’t know these extra details, it would be a very enjoyable show. Watching the detective work of Jim Gordon is enjoyable because while it is realistic, it also seems unreal on how his inquisitive nature helps him solve the most mystifying and seemingly unsolvable crimes. Even when Gordon and his partner Harvey Bullock are in the police precinct, the scenes can be quite humorous because of Bullock’s comical jokes and antics.
The plotting of the mafia crime and criminal cases seem to create a better story than the actual backstories of the villains. In the second season, Gordon chases a serial killer known as the Ogre. Over the course of five episodes, Gordon does old style detective work to find out the killer’s identity and capture him. Even the story of the killer was well webbed, his backstory, his motives, you would think he was a more important character if you didn’t know any better.
If one were to watch it, it would be much more enjoyable if the viewer weren’t a fan of the original Batman movies, although there is an exception where if you are a fan of the movies but don’t care about changed aspects. While the show is good, it does have its occasional bad episode, and sometimes it seems as if the case going on is dragged out through several episodes. The best episodes appear when the case is coming to a close and the real action is unveiled, so for the viewer, the show may not be enjoyable 100% of the time but it definitely has its shining moments.