BuzzFeed has been posting crazy and original ideas since 2006. The most recent videos are recipes featuring easy snacks and desserts.
Featured on Twitter and YouTube, BuzzFeed recipes are original and creative featuring easy and affordable ingredient. Some of the recipes featured in the videos are cake pops, monkey bread and different types of pizzas. The videos are also extremely short, only 15 seconds at least, but the footage is sped up and text is included in the video. They included the recipes and ingredients in the description box, which makes it very easy to find everything needed to make the recipe.
One of the most recently popular is the “Cake Pops 4 Ways: Birthday Cake Pops, Red Velvet Cake Pops, Oreo Cake Pops, Cookie Dough Cake Pops.” This video has had 82, 303 views on YouTube and went viral on twitter. The video features 4 ways to make cake pops that look easy and fun to make.

Once finished, the cake pops set up in the fridge.
But, believe it or not the recipes are not as easy and clean as they look. When I tried to make the chocolate Oreo cake pops, I found they were extremely difficult. First, when you add the frosting to the cake it takes quite a lot of mixing to get it to the consistency that the video shows. Then, when forming the balls, you have to make sure that they are small and perfectly circular. If they are not small or round, the chocolate later will not sit right on the cake pop. Lastly, when putting the chocolate/ Oreo frosting on to the frozen cake pop I found the chocolate was too clumpy and thick for it to completely cover. The chocolate has to be melted down to its thinnest point, but even then its difficult to cover the cake pop.
Once cooled, the cake pop itself( clumpy and all) did not taste absolutely terrible. The cake was moist, rich and the frosting was mixed in completely. even with the presentation I would have to rate these a 5 out of 10 strictly because of the difficulty with the chocolate coating.
Drifting away from baked goods, I moved on to pizza making. A very popular video “BBQ Chicken Pizza Dippers” gained my attention when I saw the ingredient list. Simple and flavorful the pizza included some of my favorite pizza toppings, BBQ chicken, fresh mozzarella, and bacon. The video looked self explanatory and seemed simple since making pizza with pre-made dough isn’t that difficult.

Straight out of the oven, the delicious pizza cools down for a minute.
While making the pizza I noticed only one thing, preparation. The time was not bad at all, but all the ingredients should be prepped and ready before even putting the dough in the oven. My biggest complaint was the bacon, because you have to cook it and break it in to small pieces which can take up more time then you want. Once I completed the pizza though, the bacon added so much flavor to the pizza and it was so delicious. For someone that is into the tanginess of BBQ and the saltiness of bacon, this pizza is for you.
Overall BuzzFeed recipes are definitely worth the try and can be extremely simple. But, keeping mind some of the recipes need to be altered and changed around depending on your ingredients, and cooking style.