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The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

  • February 3ASL Tutoring every Thursday after school
  • February 3Interact Club Meeting Monday, February 24 at 2:40 – 3:40pm
  • February 3No School 2/17 for President's Day
The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

The student news site of Colonia High School

The Declaration

Lion King

The Lion King will change your life

By: DeAndre Oglesby, Senior Editor
January 23, 2017
A group of kids discovering the mysteries of their town while trying to find their best friend

An epic year filled with epic TV shows

By: Kelli Mulrooney, Fall Reporters
January 18, 2017
Rogue One Review Thumbnail

Rogue One is out of this world

By: DeAndre Oglesby, Senior Editor
December 22, 2016
A young drew Barrymore posing for the camera at the Never Been Kissed premier

Never Been Kissed will spice up your night

By: Adriana Daniel, Fall Editor and Reporter
December 20, 2016
Dr. Phil was the inspirtation for the TV show Bull.

CBS new fall crime show Bull is a hit

By: Adriana Daniel, Fall Editor and Reporter
December 13, 2016
The controversial classic "A Clockwork Orange"  was originally published in 1962

Clockwork Orange is a controversial classic

By: Zachary Pereira, Spring Editor and Reporter
November 21, 2016
prior to the conviction there is always crime

ABC new TV show Conviction is a flop

By: Adriana Daniel, Fall Editor and Reporter
November 1, 2016
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The student news site of Colonia High School